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Beaconhouse School System

Southern Region
Gulistan-e-Jauhar Campus
Extra Support Worksheet

Class: ----- Section: ______ Subject: Chemistry 5070

Name: _________________________ Topic: Bonding and Structure

Date: _______________________

Q.1: State two structural similarities and two structural differences between diamond and graphite

Q.2: The structures of two ionic lattices are shown below.

(a) Explain why solid sodium chloride will not conduct electricity but molten sodium chloride will.
(b)Explain why magnesium oxide has a very high melting point.
(c) Suggest why the melting point of magnesium oxide is much higher than that of sodium chloride.

(d) Draw Dot and Cross diagram of following compounds. . You only need to draw the outer (valence)

i) Magnesium Oxide

ii) Lithium Chloride


iii) Potassium fluoride.

Q.4: Draw dot and cross structures of carbon dioxide and carbon tetrabromide to show the covalent


i) Carbon dioxide


ii) Carbon tetrabromide


iii)Chlorine molecule


iv)Water Molecule

Q.5: (a) Draw a labelled diagram of aluminum metal to show metallic bonding.


(b)Why metals are good conductors of heat and electricity?

(c)Why metals have high melting and boiling points?


(d)Why metals are malleable and ductile?



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