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Question 1: How many sounds are there in a diphthong?

 Two sounds. A diphthong is created when two vowel sounds are combined
in one syllable to make a gliding sound.
Question 2: Is the 'e' at the end of 'bike' part of a diphthong? Why or why not?
 No, it is not part of a diphthong because it is a separate syllable. A
diphthong only contains two vowel sounds in the same syllable.
Question 3: Does the word 'bear' contain a diphthong? Explain your answer.
 No, 'bear' does not contain a diphthong because the 'ea' vowel combination
does not glide into another vowel sound. The 'ea' in 'bear' represents one
vowel sound, not two.
Question 4: Give an example of a word with the diphthong 'oi'. Use it in a
 Example word: oil
 Ex: Sentence: I need to get an oil change for my car this weekend.
Question 5: Give two more examples of words with the diphthong ' aʊ ':
 Ex: Cow, owl, brown, town, down, tower, power
Question 6: Fill in the blanks with a word containing the given diphthong:
a. The _____________ sailed across the lake. (əʊ - boat)
b. I saw a beautiful ____________ in the early morning sky. (eɪ - rainbow)
c. The ____________ was filled with delicious food. (ɔɪ- oil)
d. The little girl played with her ____________ doll. (ɔɪ - toy)
e. The ___________ mooed loudly in the pasture. (aʊ - cow)
Question 7: Write a sentence with at least two words containing diphthongs:
Answers may vary.
Example: The brown cow mooed loudly while eating grass in the meadow.
Question 8: Identify the diphthongs in each of these words
Toy they pie house employ eye crowd race height
complain choice time mountain neighbor moisture owl

ɔɪ eɪ aɪ aʊ
Toy They Pie Crowd
Employ Race Eye House
Choice Complain Height Mountain
Moisture Neighbor Time Owl

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