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Topic 7 Types of Sailing - Sailing Problems for parallel and plane with the use of Traverse Table or


Parallel Sailing Problems

1. MT Skylark sailed on 090°T for a distance of 245 miles in north hemisphere and change her longitude by 7°25’.
What it is her latitude in?
a) Convert DLo to miles:
DLo = 7° 25’ Solution in converting to miles (7 x 60 = 420) ( 420 + 25 = 445 )
Dlo = 445 miles
b) Solve for Lat
Cos Lat = Dep
= 245
= 0.550561797
Shift cos = 56.59443682 ( .59443682 x 60 = 35.6662 or 35.7 thus 56° 35.7’ )
Lat = 56° 35.7’ N
2. MT White Coral sailed from Lat1 50° 00’N Long1 178° 00’ W to Lat 2 50° 00’ N; Long 2 179° 00’ E. Calculate
the distance she made.
a) Find DLo:
Long1 = 178°W
Long2 = 179°E
DLo = 003°W

b) Solve for Dep:

Dep = Cos Lat x Dlo
= Cos 50° x 180 (Converted to minutes 3° x 60’ = 180’)
Dep = 115.7 miles
3. MV Nordic Star in Lat1 60° 00’ N sailed on course 090°T for 240 miles. Find her difference of longitude.
a) Solve for Dlo:
Dlo = Dep
= 240
Cos 60°
Dlo = 480’
b) Convert DLo to degrees of arc
DLo = 480÷60
Dlo = 8° 00’E ( The sign is E since the course 090° is in easterly direction.)
4. Find the new longitude if MV Saturn in Lat1 54° 23’S, Long1 016° 18’ E sailed due west for 874 miles?

a) First, solve for DLo:
Dlo = Dep

= 874
Cos54° 23’
Dlo = 1,501 miles or 25° 01’ W (1501÷60° = 25.0166 then .0166 x 60’ = 0.996’ or 1’ so that’s why the
answer is Dlo 25° 01’W)

b) Solve for Long2:

Long1 = 016° 18’ E
Dlo = 025° 01’W - ( subtract)
Long2 = 008° 43’ W

Plane Sailing Problems

1.Find the course and distance made by MT Blue Sky if her Dlat is 132 miles north and her departure is 48 miles
a) Solve for True Course (T/Co):
Tan Co. Angle = Dep = 48
DLat = 132
Co. Angle = N19.98°E or N20˚E
(Named “N – E” according to “DLat and Dep”)

T/Co. = 020˚(T)

b) Solve for Distance:

Distance = Dlat
Cos Co. Angle

= 132
Cos 20°

= 140.5 miles
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2.MV Arcturus sails on course 043˚T and made a distance of 524 miles. What is her difference of latitude
and departure?
a) Solve for DLat:
DLat = Dist x Cos Co. Angle
= 524 x Cos 43˚
DLat = 383.2 miles
= 6˚ 23.2’N ( 383.2÷60° = 6.3866° then .3866x60’ = 23.2’ and the answer is 6˚ 23.2’N )
(Named “N” since Co 043˚(T) has northerly component)
b) Solve for Dep:

Dep = Dist x Sin Co. Angle

= 524 x Sin 43˚
Dep = 357.4 miles east
(Named “East” since 043˚(T) has easterly component)
3.MV Sinki steamed 210 miles on a course of 295°T. The departure point was 35° 30’ N. What is her arrival
a) Solve for DLat:
DLat = Dist x Cos Co.
= 210 x Cos 295°
DLat = 89 miles = 1° 29’ N
(Named “N” since Co 295° (T) has northerly component)

b) Solve for Lat2:

Lat1 = 35° 30’ N
DLat = 1° 39’ N +
Lat2 = 36° 59’ N

Rule: a. If Lat1 and DLat have same name, add (+)

b. If Lat1 and DLat have diff. name, subtract (-)

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