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[Scene 1: Someone making an announcement to the public]

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[Narrator]: At the flag ceremony , a teacher go to the front of the students and announce for an
upcoming event.

[ Teacher] (into microphone) Dear students , I have an important announcement to make. Thursday we
will celebrate Teachers’ Day, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the teachers who
have made a difference in our lives. Teachers are the ones who guide us through our formative years,
teaching us the skills and knowledge we need to succeed in life. They are the ones who inspire us to
reach for our dreams and to never give up. So let’s all take a moment to thank the teachers in our lives.
Let’s show them how much we appreciate their hard work and dedication.

[Crowd] (applauding)

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[Scene 2: Two small groups of people discussing something separately]

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[ Setting: At the classroom]

[Group 1]

[Person 1] I can’t believe Thursday will be Teachers’ Day already. It seems like just yesterday we were all
in school, learning from our teachers.

[Person 2] I know, it’s crazy. But I’m so grateful for all of the teachers who have helped me along the

[Person 3] Me too. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.

[Group 2]

[Person 4] I’m so excited to celebrate Teachers’ Day. I’ve been planning a special surprise for my
teachers all week.

[Person 5] That’s so sweet! I’m sure they’ll love it.

[Person 6] I know, I can’t wait to see their faces.

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[scene 3: A reporter appearing live on screen]

[News reporter] Good evening, and welcome to the evening news. Today, other school in the Philippines
we're celebrating the world Teachers' Day, also held this October 5 2023 ,a day to recognize and
appreciate the hard work and dedication of teachers all over the world. The schools held an event for the
teachers day , the students also do activities for their teachers like surprising them and giving them card
and gifts. Lets thank our teacher for their kindness , and for teaching us. To all teachers , Happy Teachers
day. I’m ( name of the reporter) this is evening news.

[ There are people who’s watching the news in tv]

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[Scene 4: One person talking to himself]

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[Person 1] (to himself) Hayyyy the teachers day is coming I can’t believe I have to give a speech in front
of the whole school as our president said. I’m so nervous.

[The young man takes a deep breath and continues talking to himself.]

[Young Man] (to himself) But I know I can do this. I just have to remember all of the things my teachers
have taught me.

[The young man smiles to himself and continues talking.]

[Young Man] (to himself) I know I can make them proud.]

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[Scene 5] Two people speaking with each other on the phone]

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[The scene shifts to a phone conversation between two people.]

[Person 1] (on phone) Hello ( name) are you the one who will deliver a speech in the teachers day?

[Person 2] (on phone) Yes I am , but I’m nervous .

[Person 1] (on phone) Its okay ( name) I’m here I can support you
[ Person 2] ( on phone) Thank you ( name). I’m going to sleep now

[Person 1]( on the phone) Ok goodnight .

[ Teachers day]

[ Person who gives speech]

Good morning, everyone. Today, we celebrate Teachers’ Day, a day to recognize and appreciate the
hard work and dedication of our teachers.

Teachers are one of the most important people in our lives. They are the ones who guide us through our
formative years, teaching us the skills and knowledge we need to succeed in life. They are also the ones
who inspire us to reach for our dreams and to never give up.

I have been fortunate to have many great teachers throughout my life. They have all made a difference
in my life, and I am grateful for their guidance and support.

So today, let’s all take a moment to thank the teachers in our lives. Let’s show them how much we
appreciate their hard work and dedication. And let’s commit to supporting our teachers so that they can
continue to provide our children with the best possible education.

Thank you


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