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Core Subject

NAME: Torre Marjhon A. SECTION: 201

STRAND: Ict Programming DATE: Feb 10, 2023
TEACHER: Mr. Ryan Joseph Dacoylo, LPT

ACTIVITY 1 (10 points per item)

Hone your writing and critical thinking skills by answering the activity below.

Directions: Read and understand the questions carefully. Write your answers in 4
– 5 sentences ONLY. Upload your activity in One Drive Link G12 - 201 PHYSICAL


1. Define Recreational Activities.

2. Identify and differentiate the types of recreation.
3. What are the values derived from recreational activities?

Use this space for your answer:

1.) Recreational activities refer to a wide range of leisure activities that are pursued
for enjoyment, relaxation, or physical or mental stimulation. These activities can
range from structured sports or games to more unstructured activities like hiking,
gardening, or reading. The main purpose of recreational activities is to provide a
break from the daily routine and to offer a sense of fun, relaxation, and enjoyment.
They can also improve physical and mental health, foster social interaction and
relationships, and provide opportunities for learning and personal growth. Overall,
recreational activities serve as an important way to enhance overall well-being and
provide a sense of balance and fulfillment in life.
2.) Recreation refers to activities that one engages in for enjoyment and leisure.
Outdoor recreation: This type of recreation involves activities that are performed in
natural outdoor environments such as parks, forests, beaches, and mountains.
Examples include hiking, camping, fishing, rock climbing, and surfing.
Adventure recreation: Adventure recreation involves activities that are typically
more physically challenging and potentially risky. Examples include white-water
rafting, bungee jumping, skydiving, and extreme sports like snowboarding and
Cultural recreation: Cultural recreation involves activities that are related to arts
and culture. Examples include visiting museums, attending concerts, participating
in theater productions, and watching live performances.
Core Subject
Social recreation: Social recreation involves activities that are performed with other
people and foster social interaction and relationship building. Examples include
playing team sports, attending parties, participating in club activities, and
volunteering for community service.
Relaxation recreation: Relaxation recreation involves activities that are designed to
help individuals relieve stress and relax. Examples include yoga, meditation,
reading, and taking a relaxing bath or nap.
Fitness recreation: Fitness recreation involves activities that are designed to
improve physical health and well-being. Examples include jogging, lifting weights,
swimming, and taking exercise classes.
Competitive recreation: Competitive recreation involves activities that are
performed with the goal of winning or competing against others. Examples include
playing sports like basketball or tennis, participating in dance competitions, and
playing card or board games.
Spectator recreation: Spectator recreation involves watching or observing others
engage in recreational activities. Examples include attending live sporting events,
watching movies or plays, and visiting zoos or aquariums.
Physical Health: Engaging in recreational activities can help improve physical
health by promoting regular exercise and physical activity, reducing the risk of
chronic diseases and conditions such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.
Mental Health: Participating in recreational activities can also provide benefits for
mental health, such as reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also help
improve mood and overall well-being.
Social Connection: Recreational activities can provide opportunities for social
interaction and connection with others, helping to build relationships, foster a sense
of community, and improve communication skills.
Personal Development: Engaging in recreational activities can also help individuals
develop new skills,
interests, and hobbies, providing opportunities for personal growth and self-
Relaxation and Stress Relief: Recreational activities can also serve as a way to relax
and unwind after a long day or week, helping to reduce stress and improve overall
quality of life.
Fun and Enjoyment: Finally, recreational activities can simply be a source of fun
and enjoyment, providing an opportunity to have a good time and escape the daily

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