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Friday, October 20th 2023

The simple past

Affrimative : subject + simple past of the verb + complement

Eg1 : Ali arrived to school yesterday

Eg2 : Sani went to the market last week

Negative : s + did + not + v(simple present) + c

Eg1 : Ali did not arrive to school yesterday

Eg2 : Sani did not go to the market last week

Interrogative : Did + s + v ( simple present ) + c ?

Eg1 : Did Ali arrive to school yesterday ?

Eg2 : Did Sani go to the market last week ?

Interro negative : Did + S + not + v( simple present ) + c ?

Eg1 : Did Ali not arrive to school yesterday ?

Eg 2 : Did Sani not go to the market last week ?

Time expression : yesterday, last (week, year), ago, once upon a time

In french

Hier, la semaine passée, l’ an passé, il était une fois

Usage : The simple past tense to express an action that strated and finished in the past.

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