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De La Cruz, Eleonor A.


Fitness Reflection
I feel a sense of satisfaction and thankfulness as I think back on my fitness and health
journey and the strides I have accomplished. I have carefully tracked several areas of my physical
health as part of my efforts to improve my general well-being, including my weight, body category,
resting pulse rate, training heart rate, and exercise capacity.
My resting pulse rate of 84 beats per minute is a critical sign of my cardiovascular health.
This indicates that my heart is working effectively at rest because it is within a reasonable range.
Aside from that, my training heart rate of 201 beats per minute indicates that my cardiovascular
system is capable of handling exercise, which enables me to push myself and get the most out of
my exercises.
My commitment to living a healthy lifestyle is further reinforced by maintaining a regular
weight and being described as having a slim figure. It speaks volumes about my dedication to a
healthy diet and consistent exercise because these practices have enabled me to develop and
maintain a physique that is supportive of my overall health and wellbeing. My reduced health risk
and normal weight status encourage me to keep up these healthy routines and further develop my
physical fitness.
My strength and flexibility may be shown in my push-ups and squats. My upper body
strength can be shown in my outstanding push-ups, and my lower body strength and endurance
can be seen in my 34 squats. These accomplishments spur me on to maintain and improve my
physical fitness through regular training and exercise regimens.
In conclusion, thinking back on my fitness and health journey makes me feel proud of
myself and inspired to keep pushing myself to live a healthier and more active lifestyle. Significant
turning points in my path include achieving a healthy weight, maintaining a low health risk,
dominating push-ups and squats, and emphasizing flexibility. These successes spur me on to set
new objectives, keep working hard, and reach even higher heights in my pursuit of top health and

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