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1) I go to mixed state school in Kramatorsk.

It specialises in many subject , but my main is Biology and

Chemistry. There are 581 students in my school . We have a compulsory school uniform . It's a suit for
boys and shirt and skirt for girls. In my school head teacher and staff both set the rules. The main
responsobillities for students are follow rules , to study and enjoy this.

1. I have never been in private school.

2. She use to go in state school , but now she is homeschooled.

3. My staff is so kind! I'm very pleased to work with them.

4. Football isn't single-sex sport , girls also can play and be better then boys.

5. The first rule in camping is make sure that your harness is good.

6. Our main subject is astronomy. We fell in love with constellationgs and space!

7.When I was younger head teacher came to out class every morning.

8. They specialises in botanic , aren't they?

9.Pupils at my old school were so arrogant and impatient!

10. You must follow the rules . Lack of discipline is not welcome in our office!

11.You don't need uniforms! Our company cares obout your comfort.

12.Omg!We are both have the same compulsory subjects.

13.He thinks that PE is an optional subject and he can just go

14. At the camp we were a mixed group in the forest. We fryed mushrooms and laughed at each other's

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