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Compiled to fulfill English Grammer Assignments
Teachers: Siti Nurjanah Hadiati, M.Hum

Collated by:
Fachri Azmi Sidiq (23.03.3212)
Fauzan Azhiman (23.03.3219)
Fayed Fauzan (23.03.3157)
Fitri Noviyanti (23.03.3158)
Nelin Herliana (23.03.3302)
Putri Rahmawati (23.03.3172)
Salma Syahira (23.03.3175)
Tiara Lestari A (23.03.3178)



Simple present tense is a verb form associated with the present tense in modern English.
It is commonly referred to as a tense, although it also encodes certain information about aspect in
addition to the present time. The simple present is the most commonly used verb form in
English, accounting for more than half of verbs in spoken English. It is used to refer to an action
or event that takes place habitually, to remark habits, facts and general realities, repeated actions
or unchanging situations, emotions, and wishes. Such uses are often accompanied by frequency
adverbs and adverbial phrases such as always, sometimes, often, usually, from time to time,
rarely, and never. The formula for making a simple present verb negative is do/does + not + [root
form of verb]. The third-person singular takes an -s at the end. The simple present tense is simple
to form. Just use the base form of the verb: (l take, you take, we take, they take). The simple
present tense is not used to express actions happening now.1


+ : Subject + Verb I (s / es ) + Object

 I Buy a pen

 He Buys a pen

- : Subject + do / does + not + Verb I + Object

 I don’t buy a pen

 He doesn’t buy a pen

? : Do / Does + Subject + Verb I + Object

 Do i buy a pen

 Doesnt he buy a pen

Dikutip dari
s=mn pada tanggal 2 November 2023, pukul 14:01
Tim penyusun. 2023. Tenses Basic Conversation Vocabularies Idioms Wise Words Daily Expression The
Irregular Verbs. Bandung: Ma’had AL-jami’ah IAI Persis Bandung.

My name is Jane. I always wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning then I take a bath and brush my
teeth. After that, I do some exercises then I put my clothes on and prepare my school bag. Next, I
have my breakfast and wait for the school bus. At 8 o’clock I go to school and start my first class
then I go to the second class. After that, I often take my lunch break and talk with my friends. At
around 12 noon I go back home and take a rest. Next, I usually watch some TV and chat with my
family then I do my homework and help my mother in the house. At 9 o’clock I read a book and
go to sleep.

(Namaku Jane. Aku selalu bangun jam 7 pagi kemudian mandi dan menyikat gigiku. Setelah itu,
aku berolahraga sedikit lalu memakai seragam dan menyiapkan tas sekolahku. Selanjutnya, aku
sarapan dan menunggu bis sekolah datang. Jam 8 aku berangkat ke sekolah untuk memulai kelas
pertama kemudian yang kedua. Setelah itu, aku biasanya istirahat makan siang dan mengobrol
dengan teman-temanku. Sekitar jam 12 siang aku pulang lalu dan istirahat. Kemudian, aku
biasanya menonton TV dan mengobrol dengan keluargaku lalu mengerjakan PR dan membantu
ibuku. Jam 9 malam aku membaca buku sebelum kemudian pergi tidur.)

I get up early in the morning around 6am. First, I take a shower then I brush my teeth. After that,
I eat my breakfast. Next I put my clothes on and catch the train to work. In addition, I always
take my tea break at 10am then I finish work at 4pm. Finally, I get home at 5 in the evening and
have dinner then go to bed.

(Aku bangun pagi biasanya sekitar jam 6. Pertama, aku mandi kemudian menyikat gigiku.
Setelah itu, aku sarapan. Selanjutnya aku berpakaian dan naik kereta ke tempat kerja. Biasanya,
aku istirahat untuk minum teh jam 10 lalu selesai kerja jam 4 sore. Akhirnya, aku sampai rumah
jam 5 petang dan makan malam lalu pergi tidur.)

Mary is very busy! She gets up at 6am every morning. Then she brushes her teeth and gets
dressed. After that, she has a quick breakfast and goes to the gym. After the gym, she takes a
shower and gets dressed to go to work. She drives to work. She gets to work at 9am. At work,
she has meetings, talks on the phone and prepares documents. At 1pm she has lunch. Sometimes
she has business lunches with her clients. After lunch, she goes back to work. She finishes work
around 7pm. Then she goes home. She gets home around 8pm. She has dinner, watches TV and
sometimes she likes to read. After that, she takes a shower and goes to bed around 11pm.

(Mary adalah orang yang sibuk. Dia bangun pukul 6 setiap pagi. Lalu ia menyikat gigi dan
berpakaian. Setelah itu, ia sarapan dan pergi ke gym. Setelah dari gym, ia mandi dan berpakaian
untuk pergi ke kantor. Mary menyetir mobilnya sendiri ke tempat kerja. Ia sampai di kantor jam
9 pagi. Di kantor, Mary rapat, menelepon dan menyiapkan dokumen. Pukul 1 siang ia makan
siang, kadang-kadang dengan kliennya. Setelah makan siang, ia kembali ke kantor. Mary selesai
kerja jam 7 malam, lalu pulang. Ia biasanya sampai rumah sekitar pukul 8, makan malam,
menonton TV sebentar dan kadang-kadang membaca buku. Setelah itu, ia mandi kemudian pergi
tidur sekitar jam 11 malam.) 3

Dikutip dari
hari-dalam-bahasa-inggris/ pada tanggal 2 November 2023, Pukul 14:16

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