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4 - Social Media Marketing - Thorough and detailed analysis of

Instagram, FB, YouTube, WhatsApp, LinkedIn and Twitter for
the firm based on the learnings in the class and your discussions
with the company the faster cycle.

Instagram- this social media platform has helped the company most reaching to the wider
audience as the company provides with latest generation bicycle’s and its easy to advertise
through Instagram for the company. They regularly post high-quality images and videos
showcasing their bicycles, highlighting unique features, and emphasizing their commitment
to quality and sustainability. This would create a compelling brand image and engage their
target audience. Instagram is a great platform for announcing new products, limited editions,
or special promotions. The Faster cycles have used Instagram Stories to generate excitement
and interest in new releases. Additionally, they have collaborated with influencers in the
cycling niche to reach a broader audience. The company utilized Instagram Insights to
monitor key performance metrics. They would track engagement rates, audience
demographics, and the effectiveness of different content types to refine their strategy
continually. The company also collaborate with the influencers to post and advertise the
brand on Instagram.

Facebook- The Faster Cycles use Facebook to share a broader range of content, including
blog posts about cycling tips, maintenance guides, and other informative content. This
approach helps establish the Faster Cycles as an authority in the cycling industry. They use
Facebook Events to promote cycling events, workshops, or community rides. This helps build
a local cycling community and fosters customer loyalty. On Facebook, The Faster Cycles run
targeted advertising campaigns to reach specific demographics interested in cycling. By using
the Facebook Pixel, they can track conversions and measure the return on investment for their
ad spend. They also collaborate with influencers who posts stories and videos of the faster
cycles which increases the awareness.

Youtube- So the company does not have their own Youtube channel as of now but
they collaborate with the famous youtubers and pay the required fees to them in
order to make a video with the cycles and other accessories and then youtuber’s
upload the video on Youtube which reaches to the wider audience and currently the
company had collaborate with Nitin Jani who is Gujrati youtuber from Bardoli.

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