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Nutrition Concepts and Controversies

Canadian 4th Edition Sizer Test Bank

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Chapter 7 The Vitamins


1. A vitamin is defined by which of the following characteristics?

(A) a non-essential nutrient

(B) needed in large amounts

(C) indispensable to body function

(D) an inorganic compound

Answer : (C)

2. What is the name for a compound in food that can be converted into an active vitamin inside the

(A) coenzyme

(B) provitamin

(C) precursor

(D) enzyme

Answer : (C)

3. Any disease that brings about deficiencies of vitamins A, D, E, and K can also result in
malabsorption of what nutrient?

(A) water

(B) carbohydrate

(C) fat

(D) protein

Answer : (C)

4. Which of the following substances is required for fat-soluble vitamins to be absorbed?

(A) insulin

(B) chyme

(C) bile
(D) cholesterol

Answer : (C)

5. Which of the following vitamins is water-soluble?

(A) vitamin C

(B) vitamin K

(C) vitamin A

(D) vitamin D

Answer : (A)

6. Why should people avoid using mineral oil as a laxative?

(A) It may cause excretion of the fat-soluble vitamins.

(B) It may lead to toxic levels of the fat-soluble vitamins in the body.

(C) It may interfere with the absorption of water-soluble vitamins.

(D) It may induce stomach ulcers.

Answer : (A)

7. A friend is worried that he did not meet the recommended intakes for the fat-soluble vitamins
yesterday. What would you advise him to do?

(A) no changes needed as long as his overall diet provides average amounts that meet recommended

(B) begin supplementing his diet with a vitamin-mineral supplement

(C) add more fat and oil to his food in order to get the needed nutrients

(D) increase his consumption of foods rich in fat-soluble vitamins

Answer : (A)

8. In what process does vitamin A play a critical role?

(A) prevention of tooth decay

(B) blood clotting

(C) reproduction

(D) nerve transmission

Answer : (C)

9. What is the name for the active form of vitamin A stored in the liver?

(A) beta-carotene

(B) retinol

(C) gamma-tocopherol

(D) alpha-A

Answer : (B)

10. Which of the following conditions may be a symptom of a vitamin A deficiency?

(A) acne

(B) arthritis

(C) blindness

(D) birth defects

Answer : (C)

11. Xerosis is a condition caused by a deficiency of what vitamin?

(A) vitamin E

(B) vitamin A

(C) vitamin C

(D) vitamin D

Answer : (B)

12. Which vitamin has gained a reputation as an anti-infective vitamin because so many of the
body's defences against infection depend on an adequate supply?

(A) vitamin C

(B) vitamin D

(C) vitamin K

(D) vitamin A

Answer : (D)
13. Healthy people can eat vitamin A-rich foods in large amounts without risking toxicity, with the
possible exception of which of the following foods?

(A) eggs

(B) cheese

(C) fortified breakfast cereals

(D) liver

Answer : (D)

14. Which of the following food items contains active vitamin A?

(A) soybeans

(B) apricots

(C) potatoes

(D) fish oils

Answer : (D)

15. The amount of vitamin A that a person needs is dependent upon what factor?

(A) body weight

(B) body composition

(C) activity level

(D) age

Answer : (A)

16. For a healthy man, an adequate daily intake of vitamin A averages around how many

(A) 700 micrograms

(B) 900 micrograms

(C) 1,200 micrograms

(D) 1,500 micrograms

Answer : (B)

17. Which of the following foods is richest in beta-carotene?

(A) blueberries

(B) beets

(C) broccoli

(D) red cabbage

Answer : (C)

18. Which of the following vitamins can be obtained entirely from non-food sources for some people?

(A) vitamin A

(B) vitamin E

(C) vitamin C

(D) vitamin D

Answer : (D)

19. According to population studies, which of the following conditions is more prevalent in people
whose diets lack foods rich in beta-carotene?

(A) anemia

(B) macular degeneration

(C) osteomalacia

(D) rickets

Answer : (B)

20. Which of the following supplements is considered hazardous to the body of individuals who

(A) vitamin C

(B) vitamin D

(C) beta-carotene

(D) folic acid

Answer : (C)

21. Health Canada recommends that all exclusively breastfed healthy term infants in Canada receive
a daily supplement of which vitamin?
(A) Vitamin B2

(B) Vitamin B1

(C) Vitamin B12

(D) Vitamin D

Answer : (D)

22. According to Canada's Food Guide, an adult's need for vitamin D supplementation begins after
what age?

(A) 40 years

(B) 45 years

(C) 50 years

(D) 55 years

Answer : (C)

23. Which group of people is most likely to suffer from vitamin D poisoning?

(A) women

(B) teenagers

(C) infants

(D) athletes

Answer : (C)

24. You have a friend who gets very little exposure to the sun, consumes very few calcium-rich
foods, and has a two-year-old child and three-month-old twins. Which of the following diseases is she
at very high risk for developing?

(A) pellagra

(B) rickets

(C) osteomalacia

(D) beriberi

Answer : (C)

25. Which of the following vitamins is potentially the most toxic to the body?
(A) vitamin D

(B) vitamin K

(C) vitamin A

(D) vitamin E

Answer : (A)

26. Which of the following individuals would be likely to synthesize sufficient amounts of vitamin D
without having to eat foods containing the vitamin?

(A) an adult with dark skin who jogs 15-minutes outside daily

(B) a woman who goes to a tanning booth twice a week

(C) a light-skinned man who takes a 20-minute walk outdoors daily

(D) an adult who works in an office with windows across an entire wall

Answer : (C)

27. What is the current DRI committee recommended daily intake for vitamin D for adults between
19 and 50 years of age?

(A) 7 micrograms

(B) 10 micrograms

(C) 15 micrograms

(D) 20 micrograms

Answer : (C)

28. Which of the following foods is a significant source of vitamin D in Canada?

(A) milk

(B) cereal

(C) cheddar cheese

(D) tuna

Answer : (A)

29. What is the recommended daily intake for vitamin D for adults over 70?

(A) 7 micrograms
(B) 10 micrograms

(C) 15 micrograms

(D) 20 micrograms

Answer : (D)

30. The DRI recommendations are listed in the form of what vitamin E compound?

(A) gamma-tocopherol

(B) delta-tocopherol

(C) alpha-tocopherol

(D) beta-tocopherol

Answer : (C)

31. Which of the following vitamins is an antioxidant nutrient that actively scavenges and quenches
free radicals in the body?

(A) vitamin E

(B) riboflavin

(C) vitamin K

(D) niacin

Answer : (A)

32. Which organ especially benefits from vitamin E's antioxidant qualities?

(A) lungs

(B) muscle

(C) liver

(D) heart

Answer : (A)

33. What is the name of the condition that occurs when insufficient vitamin E causes red blood cells
to rupture?

(A) infantile anemia

(B) vitamin E anemia

(C) leukocyte hemolysis

(D) erythrocyte hemolysis

Answer : (D)

34. If a person consumes more polyunsaturated oil, for what vitamin does that person's need

(A) vitamin K

(B) vitamin A

(C) vitamin E

(D) vitamin D

Answer : (C)

35. Which of the following sources supplies about 20 percent of the vitamin E people consume?

(A) fortified grains

(B) milk and yogurt

(C) vegetable oils and products made from them

(D) meats, fish, poultry, and eggs

Answer : (C)

36. What is the main function of vitamin K in the body?

(A) It helps synthesize key bone proteins.

(B) It acts as an antioxidant in cell membranes.

(C) It influences body functions through its regulation of the genes.

(D) It helps synthesize proteins that help clot the blood.

Answer : (D)

37. Which of the following foods provides a significant amount of vitamin E?

(A) whole milk

(B) wheat germ

(C) pork chop

(D) chicken wings

Answer : (B)

38. Which two vitamins ensure the health of bones?

(A) B12 and D

(B) C and D

(C) K and D

(D) A and B1

Answer : (C)

39. Which of the following items is a nonfood source of vitamin ?K

(A) antibiotics

(B) cold temperatures

(C) intestinal bacteria

(D) sunlight

Answer : (C)

40. Which of the following foods is the only animal food source rich in vitamin ?K

(A) eggs

(B) fish

(C) liver

(D) cheese

Answer : (C)

41. To prevent hemorrhage, newborn babies are given a single dose of what vitamin at birth?

(A) vitamin A

(B) vitamin K

(C) vitamin C

(D) vitamin D

Answer : (B)
42. What colour does a person's skin turn from consuming toxic levels of vitamin ?K

(A) yellow

(B) orange

(C) reddish blue

(D) purple

Answer : (A)

43. Which of the following statements best describes the body's handling of water-soluble vitamins?

(A) easily reach toxic levels

(B) stored extensively in tissues

(C) easily absorbed and excreted

(D) dissolved in fat and water

Answer : (C)

44. What is one of the most well known functions of vitamin C?

(A) protection against nervous system disorders

(B) prevention of blood clotting

(C) production of collagen

(D) maintenance of bone density

Answer : (C)

45. In Canada, which of the following groups has the highest rate of scurvy?

(A) alcohol addicts

(B) vegetarians

(C) breastfed infants

(D) young women

Answer : (A)

46. For healthy women, the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) committee recommends how many
milligrams per day of vitamin C?
(A) 45 milligrams per day

(B) 60 milligrams per day

(C) 75 milligrams per day

(D) 90 milligrams per day

Answer : (C)

47. For which of the following groups of people would vitamin C supplements cause adverse effects?

(A) people with too much folate in their blood

(B) people with thyroid conditions

(C) people with kidney disorders

(D) people with colds

Answer : (C)

48. According to researchers, which of the following vitamins has a positive effect on the immune

(A) vitamin K

(B) vitamin C

(C) thiamin

(D) niacin

Answer : (B)

49. The B vitamins act as part of what?

(A) antibodies

(B) anticoagulants

(C) intrinsic factors

(D) coenzymes

Answer : (D)

50. Why are B vitamins considered "helpers"?

(A) they supply the body directly with energy

(B) they break down energy-nutrients to yield fuel for energy

(C) they function to strictly replace cells with short life spans

(D) they produce energy only through interactions with fatty acids

Answer : (B)

51. What is the name of the disease that results from thiamin deficiency?

(A) beriberi

(B) scurvy

(C) pellagra

(D) osteomalacia

Answer : (A)

52. Which of the following foods would you recommend to someone who needs to increase intake of

(A) orange juice

(B) steak

(C) legumes

(D) spinach

Answer : (C)

53. Which of the following individuals is most likely to develop Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome?

(A) a person who abuses alcohol intake

(B) a person who eats a high intake of grains

(C) a person who is a vegetarian

(D) a person who consumes fast food daily

Answer : (A)

54. Pellagra results from a deficiency of which vitamin?

(A) niacin

(B) vitamin B12

(C) vitamin C

(D) thiamin

Answer : (A)

55. Which of the following B vitamins is especially important for women of childbearing age to
reduce the risk for neural tube defects?

(A) vitamin B6

(B) vitamin B12

(C) folate

(D) biotin

Answer : (C)

56. Which of the following vitamins aids in the conversion of tryptophan to niacin?

(A) vitamin C

(B) vitamin B12

(C) folate

(D) vitamin B6

Answer : (D)

57. In the 1990s, Health Canada made it mandatory for food manufacturers to fortify bleached
wheat flour in products with which of the following vitamins?

(A) synthetic folate

(B) niacin equivalent

(C) pantothenic acid

(D) natural riboflavin

Answer : (A)

58. Which of the following foods may assist with the absorption of folate?

(A) strawberries

(B) milk

(C) broccoli
(D) oranges

Answer : (B)

59. If strict vegetarians are uninformed, for which vitamin might they be especially at risk for

(A) vitamin B12

(B) niacin

(C) vitamin B6

(D) folate

Answer : (A)

60. What is the name for the type of anemia that results from a vitamin B12 deficiency caused by a
lack of intrinsic factor?

(A) microcytic anemia

(B) pernicious anemia

(C) macrocytic anemia

(D) sickle-cell anemia

Answer : (B)

61. What vitamin participates in over 100 reactions in body tissues and is needed to help convert
one kind of amino acid, which cells have in abundance, to other nonessential amino acids that cells

(A) vitamin B6

(B) vitamin C

(C) vitamin B12

(D) vitamin A

Answer : (A)

62. Vitamin B6 helps convert the amino acid tryptophan into which of the following

(A) calcitonin

(B) acetylcholine
(C) serotonin

(D) melatonin

Answer : (C)

63. A deficiency of which of the following vitamins causes excess homocysteine to build up in the

(A) thiamin

(B) vitamin B12

(C) pantothenic acid

(D) niacin

Answer : (B)

64. What vitamin do people need in amounts proportional to their protein intake?

(A) folate

(B) niacin

(C) vitamin B6

(D) vitamin B12

Answer : (C)

65. Which of the following side effects can result from an excess of vitamin A?

(A) constipation

(B) cataracts

(C) hair loss

(D) hives

Answer : (C)

66. An individual suffers from hypoglycemia and an increased sensitivity to insulin. This is indicative
of a deficiency of which B vitamin?

(A) pantothenic acid

(B) riboflavin

(C) biotin
(D) pyridoxine

Answer : (A)

67. Which of the following foods is among the best natural sources of folate?

(A) breakfast cereals

(B) fresh strawberries

(C) cooked turnip

(D) beef liver

Answer : (D)

68. What percentage of the Canadian population recently reported that they take vitamin

(A) 12%

(B) 24%

(C) 53%

(D) 65%

Answer : (C)

69. Why might an elderly person benefit from taking a supplement?

(A) they lose nutrients faster than foods can supply them

(B) they are at risk of developing neural tube defects

(C) they often overconsume their daily energy needs

(D) they absorb or metabolize nutrients less efficiently

Answer : (D)

70. A high dose of which of the following vitamins can only be sold by prescription?

(A) vitamin C

(B) riboflavin

(C) vitamin K

(D) thiamin
Answer : (C)


71. Vitamin A has the distinction of being the first fat-soluble vitamin to be recognized.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)

72. The body can synthesize vitamin D once sunscreen with sun protection factor (SPF) of 8 or
above is applied to the skin.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

73. Vitamin E is so widespread in food that it is almost impossible to create a vitamin E-deficient

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)

74. Vitamin C supplements will prevent the common cold.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

75. The B vitamins (coenzymes) help to extract the energy from food during metabolism.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)

76. The body stores up to six years' worth of vitamin B12.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)

77. Carnitine, inositol, and lipoic acid are all essential vitamins for the body.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)


78. Differentiate between retinol and beta-carotene and explain retinol activity equivalents (RAE).

Graders Info :

Retinol is one of the active forms of vitamin A made from beta-carotene in animal and human bodies.
It is an antioxidant nutrient. Beta-carotene is an orange pigment with antioxidant activity. It is a
vitamin A precursor that is made by plants and is stored in human fat tissue. Retinol activity
equivalents (RAE) are a measure of vitamin A activity-the amount of retinol that the body will derive
from a food containing preformed retinol or its precursor, beta-carotene.

79. Vitamin D acts at three body locations to raise the blood calcium level. What are they?

Graders Info :

Skeleton-stores calcium
Digestive tract-food brings in calcium
Kidneys-recycle calcium

80. What are the potential problems for an individual if he or she consumes toxic levels of vitamin E

Graders Info :

No adverse effects are known to arise from naturally occurring vitamin E in foods. However, toxic
levels can be reached from supplemental vitamin E. Toxicity will increase the effects of anti-clotting
medications, so people taking these medications risk uncontrollable bleeding if they take large doses
of vitamin E. Also, an increased risk of death from all causes has been reported for people taking
vitamin E doses above 400 IU per day.
81. Explain the link between chronically low vitamin E and selenium levels in the body.

Graders Info :

When the body stores of vitamin E and the mineral selenium are low, viruses respond by becoming
more virulent. Normally harmless viruses appear to undergo changes that make them more likely to
cause disease. This may be related to "oxidative stress" caused when oxidative activities outstrip the
capacity of the tissues' antioxidant defences.

82. Identify and explain specific diseases associated with vitamin E deficiency in premature infants.

Graders Info :

The classic vitamin E-deficiency symptom in human beings occurs in premature babies who are born
before the transfer of the vitamin from the mother to the infant, which takes place in the last weeks
of pregnancy. Without sufficient vitamin E, the infant's red blood cells rupture (erythrocyte
hemolysis), and the infant becomes anemic.

83. Compare and contrast the characteristics of the water-soluble vitamins and the fat-soluble

Graders Info :

The characteristics of the water-soluble vitamins are as follows:

1. They dissolve in water.
2. They are easily absorbed and excreted.
3. They are not stored extensively in tissues.
4. They seldom reach toxic levels.

The characteristics of the fat-soluble vitamins are as follows:

1. They dissolve in lipid.
2. They require bile for absorption.
3. They are stored in tissues.
4. They may be toxic in excess.

84. What are the symptoms of pellagra?

Graders Info :

The four "Ds": diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, death

85. Describe how the B vitamins are related to heart disease.

Graders Info :

People who inherit a rare disorder that raises the level of a special amino acid, homocysteine, in the
blood almost invariably suffer from a severe early form of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Some other
CVD sufferers without the inherited disorder accumulate homocysteine in the blood. Some
researchers suspect that elevated homocysteine may increase the risk for CVD and that a lack of
some B vitamins in the diet contributes to elevating it. A deficiency of folate, vitamin B12, or vitamin
B6 causes excess homocysteine to build up in the blood.

86. Who might benefit from taking a multinutrient supplement? Provide valid reasons for each
person on the list.

Graders Info :

These people may need supplements:

-- People with nutrient deficiencies
-- Women in their childbearing years (supplemental or enrichment sources of folic acid are
recommended to reduce risk of neural tube defects in infants)
-- Pregnant or lactating women (they may need iron and folate)
-- Newborns (they are routinely given a vitamin K dose)
-- Infants (they may need various supplements; see Chapter 13)
-- Those who are lactose intolerant (they need calcium to forestall osteoporosis)
-- Habitual dieters (they may eat insufficient food)
-- Elderly people, who often benefit from some of the vitamins and minerals in a balanced
supplement (they may choose poor diets, have trouble chewing, or absorb or metabolize less
efficiently; see Chapter 14)
-- Victims of AIDS or other wasting illnesses (they lose nutrients faster than foods can supply them)
-- Those addicted to drugs or alcohol (they absorb fewer and excrete more nutrients; nutrients
cannot undo damage from drugs or alcohol)
-- Those recovering from surgery, burns, injury, or illness (they need extra nutrients to help
regenerate tissues)
-- Strict vegetarians (they may need vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, and zinc)
-- People taking medications that interfere with the body's use of nutrients

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