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GROUP CHALLENGE 3: "Sun to Cell: Energy Showdown"


 Differentiate photosynthesis and respiration in terms of cell structures involved, raw

materials, end product and energy requirement

- Manila paper and marker


1. Read and study the texts about Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration below:
Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration
*Occurs in...* *Occurs in...*
Photosynthesis primarily occurs in the cells of Cellular respiration occurs in almost all cells of
green plants, algae, and certain bacteria. organisms, including plants, animals, fungi, and
many microorganisms.
The primary function of photosynthesis is to *Function/Purpose*
convert solar energy into chemical energy and The primary function of cellular respiration is to
store it in the bonds of glucose or other sugars. produce energy in the form of adenosine
This process allows plants and other organisms triphosphate (ATP) by breaking down glucose
to produce food (carbohydrates) for themselves and other organic molecules. This energy is used
and provides the base for the food chain in many to power various cellular processes, ensuring the
ecosystems. cell's survival and functionality.

*Organelle* *Organelle*
In eukaryotic cells, like those of plants and algae, In eukaryotic cells, the main events of cellular
photosynthesis takes place in a specialized respiration, specifically the Krebs cycle and
organelle called the chloroplast. Chloroplasts electron transport chain, take place in the
contain pigments, the most common of which is mitochondria. The initial step, glycolysis, occurs
chlorophyll, which captures the solar energy. in the cytoplasm.

*Reactants* *Reactants*
The main reactants required for photosynthesis The primary reactants for cellular respiration
are carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the air and water are glucose (C₆H₁₂O₆) and oxygen (O₂).
(H₂O) from the soil.
*Source of Energy*
*Source of Energy* The source of energy for cellular respiration is
The primary source of energy for photosynthesis the chemical energy stored in glucose and other
is sunlight. This solar energy is absorbed by organic molecules. This energy is released in a
pigments like chlorophyll. controlled manner during the breakdown of
these molecules.
The major products of photosynthesis are *Products*
glucose (a sugar) and oxygen. Glucose serves as The major products of cellular respiration are
an energy store and building block for plants, carbon dioxide (CO₂), water (H₂O), and energy in
while oxygen is released into the atmosphere as the form of ATP.
a byproduct.

*Chemical Equation*
*Chemical Equation* The overall chemical equation representing
The overall chemical equation representing cellular respiration is:
photosynthesis is: [C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂ → 6CO₂ + 6H₂O + energy (ATP)]
[6CO₂ + 6H₂O + light energy → C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂]
This equation indicates that one molecule of
This equation means that six molecules of glucose and six molecules of oxygen are broken
carbon dioxide and six molecules of water, using down to produce six molecules of carbon
light energy, produce one molecule of glucose dioxide, six molecules of water, and energy
and six molecules of oxygen. stored in ATP.
Sent 4m ago
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2. To differentiate the two processes, complete the Venn Diagram



1. Occurs in… 1. Occurs in…

2. Function 2. Function

3. Organelle 3. Organelle

4. Reactants 4. Reactants

5. Source of Energy 5. Source of Energy

6. Products 6. Products

7. Chemical Equation 7. Chemical Equation


GROUP CHALLENGE 3: "Sun to Cell: Energy Showdown"


 Differentiate photosynthesis and respiration in terms of cell structures involved, raw

materials, end product and energy requirement

- Manila paper and marker


1. Read and study the texts about Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration below:
Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration
*Occurs in...* *Occurs in...*
Photosynthesis primarily occurs in the cells of Cellular respiration occurs in almost all cells of
green plants, algae, and certain bacteria. organisms, including plants, animals, fungi, and
many microorganisms.
The primary function of photosynthesis is to *Function/Purpose*
convert solar energy into chemical energy and The primary function of cellular respiration is to
store it in the bonds of glucose or other sugars. produce energy in the form of adenosine
This process allows plants and other organisms triphosphate (ATP) by breaking down glucose
to produce food (carbohydrates) for themselves and other organic molecules. This energy is used
and provides the base for the food chain in many to power various cellular processes, ensuring the
ecosystems. cell's survival and functionality.

*Organelle* *Organelle*
In eukaryotic cells, like those of plants and algae, In eukaryotic cells, the main events of cellular
photosynthesis takes place in a specialized respiration, specifically the Krebs cycle and
organelle called the chloroplast. Chloroplasts electron transport chain, take place in the
contain pigments, the most common of which is mitochondria. The initial step, glycolysis, occurs
chlorophyll, which captures the solar energy. in the cytoplasm.

*Reactants* *Reactants*
The main reactants required for photosynthesis The primary reactants for cellular respiration
are carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the air and water are glucose (C₆H₁₂O₆) and oxygen (O₂).
(H₂O) from the soil.
*Source of Energy*
*Source of Energy* The source of energy for cellular respiration is
The primary source of energy for photosynthesis the chemical energy stored in glucose and other
is sunlight. This solar energy is absorbed by organic molecules. This energy is released in a
pigments like chlorophyll. controlled manner during the breakdown of
these molecules.
The major products of photosynthesis are *Products*
glucose (a sugar) and oxygen. Glucose serves as The major products of cellular respiration are
an energy store and building block for plants, carbon dioxide (CO₂), water (H₂O), and energy in
while oxygen is released into the atmosphere as the form of ATP.
a byproduct.

*Chemical Equation*
*Chemical Equation* The overall chemical equation representing
The overall chemical equation representing cellular respiration is:
photosynthesis is: [C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂ → 6CO₂ + 6H₂O + energy (ATP)]
[6CO₂ + 6H₂O + light energy → C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂]
This equation indicates that one molecule of
This equation means that six molecules of glucose and six molecules of oxygen are broken
carbon dioxide and six molecules of water, using down to produce six molecules of carbon
light energy, produce one molecule of glucose dioxide, six molecules of water, and energy
and six molecules of oxygen. stored in ATP.
Sent 4m ago
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2. To differentiate the two processes, complete the T-Chart



1. Occurs in… 1. Occurs in…

2. Function 2. Function

3. Organelle 3. Organelle

4. Reactants 4. Reactants

5. Source of Energy 5. Source of Energy

6. Products 6. Products

7. Chemical Equation 7. Chemical Equation


GROUP CHALLENGE 3: "Sun to Cell: Energy Showdown"


 Differentiate photosynthesis and respiration in terms of cell structures involved, raw

materials, end product and energy requirement

- Manila paper and marker


3. Read and study the texts about Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration below:
Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration
*Occurs in...* *Occurs in...*
Photosynthesis primarily occurs in the cells of Cellular respiration occurs in almost all cells of
green plants, algae, and certain bacteria. organisms, including plants, animals, fungi, and
many microorganisms.
The primary function of photosynthesis is to *Function/Purpose*
convert solar energy into chemical energy and The primary function of cellular respiration is to
store it in the bonds of glucose or other sugars. produce energy in the form of adenosine
This process allows plants and other organisms triphosphate (ATP) by breaking down glucose
to produce food (carbohydrates) for themselves and other organic molecules. This energy is used
and provides the base for the food chain in many to power various cellular processes, ensuring the
ecosystems. cell's survival and functionality.

*Organelle* *Organelle*
In eukaryotic cells, like those of plants and algae, In eukaryotic cells, the main events of cellular
photosynthesis takes place in a specialized respiration, specifically the Krebs cycle and
organelle called the chloroplast. Chloroplasts electron transport chain, take place in the
contain pigments, the most common of which is mitochondria. The initial step, glycolysis, occurs
chlorophyll, which captures the solar energy. in the cytoplasm.

*Reactants* *Reactants*
The main reactants required for photosynthesis The primary reactants for cellular respiration
are carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the air and water are glucose (C₆H₁₂O₆) and oxygen (O₂).
(H₂O) from the soil.
*Source of Energy*
*Source of Energy* The source of energy for cellular respiration is
The primary source of energy for photosynthesis the chemical energy stored in glucose and other
is sunlight. This solar energy is absorbed by organic molecules. This energy is released in a
pigments like chlorophyll. controlled manner during the breakdown of
these molecules.
The major products of photosynthesis are *Products*
glucose (a sugar) and oxygen. Glucose serves as The major products of cellular respiration are
an energy store and building block for plants, carbon dioxide (CO₂), water (H₂O), and energy in
while oxygen is released into the atmosphere as the form of ATP.
a byproduct.

*Chemical Equation*
*Chemical Equation* The overall chemical equation representing
The overall chemical equation representing cellular respiration is:
photosynthesis is: [C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂ → 6CO₂ + 6H₂O + energy (ATP)]
[6CO₂ + 6H₂O + light energy → C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂]
This equation indicates that one molecule of
This equation means that six molecules of glucose and six molecules of oxygen are broken
carbon dioxide and six molecules of water, using down to produce six molecules of carbon
light energy, produce one molecule of glucose dioxide, six molecules of water, and energy
and six molecules of oxygen. stored in ATP.
Sent 4m ago
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4. To differentiate the two processes, complete the given Checklist by putting a checkmark on the
appropriate column.

Comparative Choices Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration
1. Occurs in All living things
Plants and certain
2. Function/ Release energy
Purpose Capture, convert, and
store energy
3. Organelle Chloroplast
4. Reactants Carbon dioxide and
Glucose and oxygen
5. Source of Chemical energy
Energy Sunlight/light energy
6. Products Glucose and oxygen
Carbon dioxide and
7. Chemical

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