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Most people after COVID-19 started preferring video conferencing to in-person meetings.

personal meetings are here for a much longer time frame than online meetings, it seems that people
nowadays do not want to leave their warm homes. While there are some undeniable benefits of video
conferencing, such as improved time management and place flexibility, there are also some drawbacks,
namely the missing bond between people and the need for smart devices and a stable internet

The most significant advantage of video conferencing is time and place management. One employee of
the company can be in the USA, and the other can be in the opposite side of the world, and they will still
be able to communicate with each other. Furthermore, they will save time doing this because they do
not need to travel across the world for a two-hour in-person meeting. In addition, they can easily do
whatever they want before the meeting starts because it only takes one click to join it, so the
effectiveness of the work also increases.

However, there are, of course, some disadvantages to video conferencing. To demonstrate this, eye-to-
eye communication will eventually create a much stronger bond between colleagues than just seeing
each other through screen. Personal meetings are also typically held in an office or restaurant, so they
can see how the person behaves toward other people, which is very important. Although computers and
smartphones are widely available these days, you still need them to communicate with someone. This
can be a significant problem for someone from a poor background or a poor country.

In summary, video conferencing has some strong advantages and disadvantages for example, better time
management is the main positive, and the need for a computer and internet, which is an important
drawback. In my opinion, the optimal way to communicate with each other is through an online meeting
with cameras, because you can also see gestures and mimic of the people. To conclude this, I think video
conferencing and in-person meetings will be with us also in the future, and from my point of view,
avoiding any of these possibilities just does not make any sense.

Richard, you use the required structure of the essay, appropriate linking devices and complex sentence
structure. However, sometimes the style is not exactly academic and some expressions are rather
informal. Please, read my comments and rewrite the respective parts.

Thank you,


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