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Pink White

Frank Ocean
What this song reveals about being human
This song talks about the artist reminiscing about his youth, and
the lessons he learned. It also explains the nature of life, which
includes the ups and downs, and the things we can’t control.
Being human we just need to learn that we can’t have power
over certain things and we just need to let the universe work its
magic. During life’s hard times its always important to have the
people we love with us. The song also talks about the struggle of
communication and distance between people.
Lyrics that caught my attention
“That’s the way everyday goes”
This lyric talks about the passage of time. Just one day our lives
can completely change, and life itself is uncertain.
“Every time we’ve got no control if the sky is pink and white”
This line explains that we can’t control the universe and the way
it works. But, we can recognize the beauty of the world and
embrace it. My personal opinion is that everyone should enjoy
life instead of just partaking in it.
Values in the song
This song has amazing values in it. Which include seeing the
bigger picture in life and enjoying every moment. We shouldn’t
ever take life for granted because the next day isn’t always
promised. Memories are also key because even though every
memory isn’t positive, life is a learning lesson and negative
experiences still can teach us stuff. Everyone in life faces
challenges no matter if some people have it easier or not. It’s all
a part of being human.
MLA Citation

Ocean, Frank. “Pink White”. Spotify.

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