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Asynchronous Activity knowledge, Skills and Function of Administrative Employees

1. Why is teamwork important in the workplace?

In a working environment, teamwork is the most crucial element for the sake of
company and individual growth. Collaborating ideas could make work done
successfully and creatively. Furthermore, the implementation of priorities within
a team can promote empowerment among team members and help to ensure
work-life balance. By fostering a culture of teamwork in the workplace,
employees are more likely to feel motivated and engaged in their work. This
positive work environment can lead to higher levels of organizational
commitment and job satisfaction among employees, ultimately resulting in
increased productivity and decreased attrition rates.

2. To make the teamwork happen, these powerful actions must occur? explain those
and give examples.

Trust - When you trust someone, you are confident enough to let them do
their work without constantly checking to see if they are doing it correctly. For
example, if we ask one of them to finish gathering data by tomorrow, we must have
confidence that they will do so successfully and accurately.

Competence - When we apply for a job in a company, we are expected to

bring knowledge and confidence to our work. For example, I applied to as an office
assistant, I have certain abilities to finish my work effectively.

Commitment- Commitment is when you are ready to give half of your daily
life to your work. While commitment to work is important, it is equally essential to
have a healthy balance between personal and professional life. It is important to
acknowledge that interpersonal relationships, such as tolerance and adaptability,
play a vital role in workplace performance. For example, I am willing to work in
holiday that taking it as my rest day or spending my whole day with my family, but I
have one task that needs to be accomplish three days after that holiday.

Consistency - Consistency is when you deliver the same level of quality work
repeatedly without fail. Means you are willing to stay dedicated to your job and
produce results that meet or exceed expectations. For example, by finishing a task
with lots of efforts because you are like or you put yourself into that work.

Cohesion- Cohesion is when they have ability to decide for their own. While
autonomy and decision- making abilities are valuable traits in the workplace, it
should not be confused with cohesion. For example, I will finish these documents
without being said or even thought they haven’t told me to finish them but I know
that they need to be done.
3. What are the different communication skills? explain the good and bad side of it

Oral Communication

When you are communicating person to person, you are free to express your
pure intentions, you can explain whatever your mind structures, and able to
throw feedback quickly. But the disadvantage of this communication is when
various physical barriers cancel feedback or send the message to one another.

Written Communication

Of course, in a technological generation, written communication is one of the

most used types of communication these days. People can express their
messages in one chat away. It could be formal or informal. People can receive
and send information even though they are on opposite sides of the world. But
when the device they are using errors, they cannot send the message. Or
sometimes, the messages that we are leads us to confusion and end up with

4. What are the responsibilities of AOM? give example each.

Planning Function - The admin should have the ability to plan effectively to
accomplish them. For example, if they want to achieve this amount of capital, as
an administrator, they must be creative enough to achieve their goal. They
should have many options as possible.

Organizing Function - Organizing is the outcome of planning. This is where the

system of a whole project needs to be done effectively, including the allocation
of resources, delegation of tasks and responsibilities to team members, creation
of timelines and deadlines, and establishment of communication channels.
Effective organizing helps to reduce confusion and enhances the clarity of goals,
thereby enabling team members to work together more productively.

Staffing Function - Administrators should be responsible to put their employees

in the right position. The staffing function involves the process of finding,
selecting, and placing competent individuals in suitable job roles. Admins should
be open-ears to employees' voices and side opinions. For example, when a
leader is planning a large project, he or she is open to suggestions and ideas to
expand the number of possible ways to complete their work.

Directing Function - Directing is when admins have their regulations and

effective steps to get their employee's work done efficiently. For example, if an
administrator establishes a clear plan of action to complete an advertisement
project, people will naturally follow because they require direction.
Controlling Function - You can tell people what they have or are required to do if
you are an administrator or have the power to issue orders. For example, as a
CEO, you have the authority to order your people to achieve these tasks for the
good of their company.

5. What are the different office management functions? explain and give examples
of each.

a. Responsibility for the overall work performance of a company

They are in charge of managing a company's function or system quality. For
example, they need to know whether or not this department has made any

b. Management office environment

They can keep the peace and order; without these management skills, the
company's reputation may suffer.

c. Gathering, adapting, strong, and distributing information

Administrators should be able to control their employees' ability to adapt and
distribute the information they gathered. For example, their CEO slides. Of course,
admins or managers must distribute the information and guide their employees to
let them know what to do to work on this project for a newly invented product.

d. Using information systems

It is easier to make better decisions with an information system that delivers
all of the important information.

e. Providing specialized support to other departments

As one of the administrators in charge of a specific section, you can also assist
or share ideas or reasonable opinions with other departments to improve their tasks.

f. Providing documents and telecommunication

Administrators should issue orders to their employees and inform them what
they must do.

g. Providing leadership
They must be able to supervise their employees, devise various plans to
complete their tasks and consider the suggestions and ideas of other members.

h. Managing quality control

It is the ability to govern and maintain product standards, as well as the
effective performance of employees.

i. Rendering service to other functions

Admins should also be adaptable so that they can adapt to other tasks to
improve and achieve positive results. A manager, for example, can catch the work of
an absent employee.

j. Providing training
An administration that is willing to provide a training ground for employees
to become accustomed to their new job role.

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