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Listening FCE Part 3

A Music helps me concentrate when I’m studying Speaker 1: B ( set my alarm early,
fresh mind before everyone else’s up )
B I study best in the morning when I can think clearly Speaker 2: A ( put on my
personal stereo )
C I realise I study better when I’m outside in the open air Speaker 3: F
D I find I can concentrate better when I study with a friend Speaker 4: D ( coffee,
quiets rooms, fresh air, wide a wake, work out for us both )
E It is much easier for me to study late at night Speaker 5: E ( homework
assignments are quite trickly , work undisturbed )
F I prefer to study when I’m lying down

Speaking Part 3
1. What is the difference between the role of a teacher and a parent in the
education of children ?
The role of teacher inspire student to be passionate about one particular subject. In
contrast, partens teach life skills such as how to respect elders and how to drive a
motorbike. Both have great contributions and responsibilities in forming a child's
personality. In my country , if a student in the class has a significant issue, the teacher
will contact to meet and discuss with parents to solve the problem.
2. What suggestions would you give to teachers to improve education?
I think teachers need to be creative and combine to improve teaching capacity and
impart knowledge because at present, teachers maintain teaching in a 'read-write' style,
so students learn more about memorization, with little interest in applying knowledge.
3. What is the best way to educate children in your opinion?
The best way to educate children I think is the element of understanding. Parents
and teachers should encourage open and honest communication, without judgment or
discouragement. In addition, children need to be encouraged to explore topics and
subjects that they love to enhance their interest in learning.
4. How can we help children realize their talents?
We can help children realize their talents by allowing children to have control of
their own learning experience and providing them with options, for example, let them
choose their writing topics or their extracurricular activities. By doing so, sooner or
later the children would figure out what they are best at, or at least have interests in.

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