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Philippine Normal University


Term 1, SY 2020-2021

Complete Name: Balicat, Zulliene Rhezzy C. Rating:

Year/Section and Program: OBTEC I-3
Date Submitted: December 28, 2021

Direction: Answer the following positive self-esteem questions and start reflecting. Each
question will spark better answers, and help you overcome your challenges as a result.

What activities make me feel good about myself?

● Cooking, reading, and/or dancing are some of my favorite pastimes that make me
feel good about myself. When I cook, I get a rush of exhilaration from the prospect
of finishing the food I'm making since my loved ones will taste it and I'll fill their
stomachs. I also enjoy cooking because it is a time when I used to spend quality
time with my family. I also enjoy dancing since I believe that being able to dance
indicates that I have spare time and no pending obligations or activities. I also feel
good when I'm reading because it allows me to let go of whatever tension or stress
I'm experiencing.
How can I surround myself with people who encourage me?
● I can surround myself with individuals who inspire me to be myself, to be loyal to
myself, and to never hide who I am. Because I am myself, those who appreciate or
are comfortable with my personality can easily adapt to my attitude, and because
they know me so well, they may motivate me to better by suggesting or
commenting on the areas where I am missing or need improvement.
What positive habits can I develop to improve myself-esteem?
● Allotting time to spend with individuals who are good for my mental health,
maintaining a journal or diary where I will record all the possible things I need to
enhance or improve myself are positive habits I can acquire. To relieve the tension
that I am experiencing, I will do the things that I enjoy, such as dancing or singing.

Kindly submit this worksheet through the Learning Management System (LMS).

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