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~~l~ Designation: A 502 - 93 American Association Stato

Higllway and Transpo<tat'on OffK:ials Standard

AASHTO No.: M 228

Standard Specification for

Steel Structural Rivets 1
lllis standard is issued under the fixed designation A 502: the number immediately following l/}e designation indicates the: year of
original adoption or. in Lhe case of ""vision. the year of last ""vision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last ""approval. A
superscripl epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since l/}e last ""vision or rcapprovat.

This standard IuJ.r bun apl'roved /or uu by agencies a/ rhe Oepanmenr of Oe/enst. Coruulr rhe 000 Indu 0/ Specijicarions .md
Standards/or the specijic year af issue ....hich has bun adopted by the Oepanment of Deferue.

l. Scope B 18.1.2 Large Rivets (lA Inch Nomi nal Diameter and
1. 1 This specification covers three grades of steel rivets in Largerf
diameters from 1/2 to I \h in. ( 13 to 38 mm), inclusive, for 2.3 Military Standa rd:
structural fabricating purposes. The grades are as follows: MIL-STD-105 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspec-
1.1.1 Grade 1 is a carbon steel rivet for general purposes. tion by Attributes!>
1.1.2 Grade 2 is a carbon-manganese steel rivet suitable.
3. Ordering information
with proper riveting technique, for use with high-strength
carbon and high-strength low-alloy structural steels. 3. 1 Orders for rivets under this specification shall include:
1.1.3 Grade 3 is similar to Grade 2 with enhanced atmo- 3. 1.1 Quantity (number of pieces of rivets),
spheric corrosion resistance and weathering characteristics 3. 1.2 Name of product, including head type,
comparable to that of steels in Specification A 588/A 588M. 3. 1.3 Dimensions including nominal diameter and length,
The atmospheric corrosion resistance of these steels is substan- 3.1.4 Limits on alloying elements, if required (see 5.2),
tially better than that of carbon steel with or without copper 3.1.5 Lot testing, if required (see 8.2),
addition (see 5.2). When properly exposed to the atmosphere, 3.1.6 Test report, if required (see 14.1 ),
these steels can be used bare (uncoated) for many applications. 3.1.7 Additional package marking, if required (see 17.2),
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded 3.1.8 ASTM designation, including grade and date of issue,
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for "d
infOnTIation only. 3.1.9 Any special requirements.
Example-IO 000 pieces, Steel Button Head Rivets, !fz
2. Referenced Documents x 1 in., Test Report Required, ASTM A 502, Grade I,
2. 1 ASTM Standards: dated_ _
A 588/A588M Specification for High-Strength Low·Alloy
4. Materials and Manufacture
Structural Steel with 50 ksi [345 MPaJ Minimum Yield
Point to 4 in . [100 mm] Thick 2 4.1 Process-the steel for rivets shall be made by the
A 75 1 Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for open-hearth, basic-oxygen, or electric-furnace process.
Chemical Analysis of Steel Products3 4.2 Heading-Rivets may be made by the hot or cold
D 395 1 Practice for Commercial Packaging 4 heading process. It is expected that these rivets ordinarily will
F 606 Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Prop- be hot driven.
erties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners,
5. Chemical Composition
Washers, and Rivets 5
G 101 Guide for Esti mating the Atmospheric Corrosion 5. 1 The rivets shall conform to the heat analysis require-
Resistance of Low-Alloy Steels6 ments for chemical composition given in Table I.
2.2 Americall National Standard: 5.2 For Grade 3 rivets, various combinations of alloying
elements wi ll be required to meet the atmospheric corrosion or
hardness requirements, or both. Maximum limits may be
specified for the number and amount of alloy elements by
I This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F.16 011 mutual agreement between purchaser and producer at the time
Fasteners. and is the direct responsibi lity of Subcommittee F 16.02 on Steel Bolts.
Nuts. Ri vets. and Washers.
of ordering. See Guide G 10 1 for methods of estimating the
Current editinn approved Feb. 15. 1993. Published April 1993. Originally atmospheric corrosion resistance of low alloy steels.
publ ished as A 502 - 64. Las! p""vious edition A 502 - 9t.
~ AWlualBook 0/ ASTM Srandards. VolOI.04.
J AWluol Rook of ASTM Srandards. Vol 01.03. 7 Available from American National Standards Institute. 11 WCSt 42nd St.. 13th
4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Vol. 15.09. Floor. New York. NY 10036.
'Annual Book 0/ ASTM Standards. Vol 15.08. I A"ailablc from StandardiUlion Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D. 700
6 Allluml Book 0/ ASTM Standards. VoI 03.02. Robbins Ave .. Phil adelphia. PA 19111·5094. Alln: NPODS.

~ffiil A 502
TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements

Analysis. "to
Analysis.C %
AnaJysis, '¥.
Gracle 2
Analysis. 'fo
Grade 3,0.8

...., a.u .
H... Prod"" Prod""

C • ....., 0.13-0.25 O.1I-{).27 O.I!Hl.30 0.16-0.33

Analysis, %
Analysis. '"
0.20 mal(
0.21 mal(
Phosphofus, max
0.30-0.90 O.27-{).93 1.20-1.65 1.14-1.71 0.90-1.25 0.86-1.29 0.75-1 .25 0.71-1.29

.Od 0.06 0.070 006 0.070

Su./Iur, max
0.' "
0.' "
Silicon 0.10-0.35 0.06-0.37 0. 15-0.35 0.13-0.37 0.15-0.35 0.13-0.37 ~
Nickel 0.25-0.50 O.22-O.S3
Chromium 0.40-0.65 O.37...{).68 O.4O-(),70 O.37-<l.73
C""'" 0.25-0.40 O.22"'{).43 O.21)..{l.40 0.17-0.43
Copper, when copper bearing 0.20 0. 18 0.20 0.18
sl&ells specil\&d, mln
VlIfladlum O.02-<l,IQ 0.01-0.11 0.01-0.1 0 0. 11 max
AA and B are classes 01 material used for Grade 3 rivets. Selection of a class shall be at the option 01 the rivet manufac'urer.
SSee 5.2.
Cprodl.lCl analysis ~ not applicable 10 rivels made from rimmed steel Of merchant quality bars.

5.3 Application of heats of steel to which bismuth, sele- 8.2 Additional tests of individual shipments of ri vets are not
nium. tellurium, or lead has been intentionally added shall not ordinari ly required but when such additional tests are specifi ed
be pemlitled. on the purchase order, a lot for the purpose of selecting test
5.4 Product analysis may be made by the purchaser from samples shall consist of all rivets in the shipment which have
fi nished rivets representing each lot. The che mical composition the following common characteristics:
shall confonn 10 the requirements in Table I on Product 8.'2. 1 One type of head.
Analysis. Product Analysis is not applicable 10 Grade I rivets 8.2.2 One nominal diameter, and
made fro m rimmed steel or merchant quality bars. 8.2.3 Onc nominal length.
8.3 From each lot. the number of tests for each requirement
6. Mechanical Properties shall be as follows:
6. 1 The ri vets shall confonn to the hardness requirements
shown in Table 2.
Nurnbet 04 Pieces In lOI
800 and under ,
Numbef 04 Samples

6.2 Brinell hardness shall be measured at only one point.

801 10 8 000
8001 10 22 000 ,

Rockwell hardness shall be measured at three points, equally OYer 22 000 5

spaced about the axis of the ri vet, and the hardness shall be 8.4 Should any speci men fail to meet the requirements of its
taken as the arithmetic average of the three measurements. specifi ed test, double the number of specimens from the same
7. Dimensions lot shall be tested for the property in which failure was fou nd
and all the additional speci mens shall meet the specification
7. 1 Dimensions of rivets, unless otherwise specified, shall requirements.
confonn to those of onc of the head types provided in ANSI
B \8.1.2. 9. Test 'Specimens
9. \ Rivets used for testing shall be heal treated in the
8. Number of Tests and Retests following manner prior to tesling:
8. 1 The requirements of Ihis specification shall be met in 9. 1.1 Grade /-Nonnalize by air cooling from above the
continuous mass production for stock, and the manufacturer transfonnation range.
shall make sample inspections, including visual soundness 9.1.2 Grade 2-Anneal by heating to 1450°F (790°C),
inspection in 7. 1. to ensure that the product confonns 10 the holding for 30 min al temperature and cooling in the furnace.
specified requirements. Additional tests of individual ship- 9. 1.3 Grade 3-Heat treatment of test samples is not a
ments of material are not ordinarily contemplated. Individual requirement ; however. at the option of the manufac turer,
heats of steel are not identified in the fi nished product. normalizing of lest samples is pennitted.
9.2 If any test specimen shows defective preparation, it may
TABLE 2 Hardness Requirements be discarded and another speci men substituted.
10. Visual Inspection for Head Bursts and Duds
Grade 2 Grade 3"
Min Max Min Min
10. 1 The rivets shall be inspected for cracks (bursts) and
RockWell, B SS 72 76 85 76 93
duds and shall meet the Acceptable Quality Level (Note)
Brinell. 5OO·kgf (49QO·N). 103 126 specified in Table 3. AQL sampl ing and inspection shall be
l Q.mmba!! '" '" '" '" conducted in accordance with the sample size, acceptance, and
"See 5.2. rejection values given in Table 4.
~!Jl! A 502
TABLE 3 levels of Quality 10 the producer or supplier promptly and in writing. In case of
dissatisfaction with the results of the test, the producer or
Acceptable Quality l evel
supplier may make claim for a rehearing.
Cracll Of burst" 10.0
Duds (Incomplete<! rivet or foreign material) 10
14. Certifi cation
""Crac:II and burst are two names !or the same thing. EactI designates an abrupt
Interrupliorl of the periphery 01 11 rivet head by separation of the metal. Suctl 14.1 Upon req uest of the purc haser in the contract or order,
inlemoptlons cIo not adVersely ,neet stJuctural strength, ~ resistance, or a manufacturer's certification that the material was man ufac-
o ther functional requirements of the rivet, but are unsightly ~ they IIrll large. For
this reason, a rivel with a crack or burst having ar'! opening althe periphery of the tu red and tested in accordance with thi s specification , together
head which is wider than 0.020 In. plus O.051imes the rivet diameter is considered with a report of the latest mechanical tests of each slock size in
de fective . each shipment, shall be furni shed at the time of shipment.

TABLE 4 Numerical Values for Levels 0' Quality 15. Responsibility

lot Size ........
Acceptable Quality Levet'" 15.1 The part y responsible for the fastener shall be the
organization that supplies the fastener to the purchaser and
1.0 10.0
certifies that the fastener was manufactu red, sampled, tested
A~~ AeJQC· Rejee·
lanceB liOll c lanceB tion C and inspected in accorda nce with this specification and meets
all of its requirements.
51 10 90
3 ,3

9110 ISO 20 0 1 5 6 16. Product Marking

15110280 50 2 7 8
281 10500 50 1 2 \0 11 16.1 All ri vets shall be marked with a symbol to identify the
SOl 10 1200
12Ql to 3200
3 ,
man ufacturer or pri vate label distributor, as appropriate .
3201 10 10 000 200 5 6 21 22 16.2 In additio n, the rivets shall be marked as foll ows to
10001 to 35 000 315 7 8 21 22 identify the grade.
35 001 to ISO 000 500 \0 11 21 22
800 22 Gm'" Graoe
150 001 10 500 000
OYer SOO 000 1250 "
21 22
1 none required"
"Based on MiI-$td-l05, Normal Inspection level 11. 2 2
SOeIectives in sample permitted for acceptance 01 lot. 3 3
COelectives in sample requiring rejection 01101.
"The numeral 1 may be used allhe manu!aC1l1rer'. option.
16.3 The marking shall appear on the rivet head and may be
NOTE I - The acceptable quality level (A QL) provides standards fo r
visual soundness inspe<:tion. The: Slandards used here are those of a
raised or depressed at the manufacturer's o ption.
recommended pntCtice for large solid ri vets fOnJl ulated by the Industrial 16.4 Grade and man ufacturer's or pri vate label distributor's
Fasteners Institute. June. 1965. That pr.Ictice is based on Mil itary Standard identification shall be separate and distinct. The two identifi -
M IL-STO- IOS. Table J provKks levels of qualit y for various attributes or cations shall preferabl y be in different locations and, when on
characteristics; these are given numerical valuc in Table 4. the same level, shall be separated by at least two spaces.
11. Test Methods
17. Packaging :lIId Package Marking
11 . 1 Hardness tests shall be conducted in accordance with
Test Methods F 606. 17.1 Packagillg:
11.2 Chemical analyses shall be conducted in accordance 17.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, packaging shall be in
with Test Methods A 751. accordance with Practice D 395 1.
17. 1.2 When speci al packaging requirements are required.
12. Inspection they shall be defined at the time o f the inquiry and order.
12 .1 The inspector representing the purchaser shall have 17.2 Package M arkillg:
free entry to all parts of the manufacturer's works that concern 17.2. 1 Each shipping unit shall include or be plain ly marked
the manufacture o f the material ordered. The manufacturer with the follo wing information :
shall afford the inspector all reaso nable facil ities to satisfy him 17.2.1 . 1 ASTM designation and grade,
that the material is being furni shed in accordance with this Size,
specification . All tests and inspections required by the specifi - Name and brand or trademark of the manufacturer,
cation that are requested by the purc haser' s representative shall
17.2. 1.4 Num ber o f pieces,
be made prior to shi pment. and shall be conducted as not to
17.2. 1.5 Purchase order number. and
interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the works. Coumry of o rigin.
13. Rej ection a nd Rehearing
13. 1 Material that fails to conform to the require ments o f 18. Keywords
this specification may be rejected. Rejection should be reported 18. 1 carbon steel; ri vets; steel; structural

The American.5oGWry hx TesMg " MateriaJs takes no posirjon re.specting th6 validity of any patent righrs _tied In connection
with any item mentioned in /his SlandarrJ. Usaf5 of this standarrJ are expras$ly advised /hat d6terminsffon of th6 validity of any such
patent rights, and tha risk of infring«nent of $lJdJ rights. are enffre/'y tflBir own responsibility.

This standard Is subjecl 10 (evlsion al any time by the responsiblatechnical CXJmminee and must 00 reviewed llvety five years and
if nor revisad, either reepprovad or withdrewn. Yourcommenrs are Invlled either for revision of this standard or /or additional standards
and should be addressed IoASTM H6Ildquartars. Your commants will receive careful consid&raffon a/ a fTIlHJting of the rasponsibla
16dtniC81 committee, which you may attend. If you feel/hat your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known 10 th6 ASTM CommittH on Standards. lOO Barr Harbor Driva. West Conshohod<en. PA 19428.


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