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Astrera, Sean Ivan

BSOA 1-3

Understanding the Self

Quiz Analysis 9

Points to Ponder:

How does being a gamer impact the life and maturity of Chappie? Elaborate your answer?

- Being a gamer can have both positive and negative impacts on an individual's life and

maturity, including someone like Chappie. On the positive side, gaming can enhance

problem-solving skills, strategic thinking, and hand-eye coordination. It also provides

a sense of achievement and community, as many games involve teamwork and

collaboration. However, excessive gaming can potentially lead to negative

consequences. It may affect one's physical health due to prolonged periods of

sedentary activity, and an overemphasis on gaming could impact social interactions

and the development of real-world skills. Balancing gaming with other activities is

crucial for a well-rounded lifestyle and maturity. Ultimately, the impact depends on

the individual's approach to gaming and the extent to which it influences other aspects

of their life. It could happen in reality based on Chappie’s gaming time, and it can

affect our physiological and mental health, it also happens every single day that he

does all time. We must take care of ourselves to not make sure this happens, it is okay

to game for 2 hours but not 12 hours every day. Our health is matter, only one I can

advise, let’s not adopt ourselves that we know is not good enough for health, and also

our self.

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