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The feeling and experience is unforgettable because i have no

experience in making multi decker sandwich, the task is to make it
simple but eye appealing the simple the presentation the better, i
can simply apply my learning in tle to help my mother in making
sandwiches for visitors so i can help him choose what kind of
sandwich whether the sandwich is for kids, adult, or for senior
citizen for example i will help him choose what's best for senior
citizen because most of them are having a hard time in eating hard
food so i will recommend her what is the size of the sandwich and
the type of bread to use that is soft and easy to swallow.

I am thankful for my teacher for all the lesson and learning

techniques, i gain a lot of knowledge especially now i can help my
mother in making simple but delicious and nutritious food that will
help me in my future everyday life because food is the key to
survive without food we have no energy, and i can use this
knowledge in opening or making a business so i can earn money
using what i have learned from my teacher and i can saved money
by making my own food instead of buying expensive or overpriced
I don't usually eat salad because in my family we're not use to eat
salads so my expectation in making this succesfully is low, but in
the making i enjoy doing the salad because the presentation and
the idea of plating is what im excited about because we use
cabbage in plating, the task is to make the salad in simple
presentation and follow the proper procedure of making the salad.

I can share my knowledge to my family since we're not familiar in

salad i will teach them the very basic kind of salad until they get use
to in eating salad and i can use this knowledge in helping my mother
for preparing food for visitors i can recommend the salad so that
we have another or new offering for every visitors that we welcome
in our house, I am very thankful to my teacher for teaching me the
proper way to make a salad because the only salad that i'm familiar
with is fruit salad and now i have experienced making different kind
of salad and one of the characteristic of salad is it is nutritious and
delicious and very simple and easy to make and thanks to our
teacher who guided us in making this salad and giving us techniques
and knowledge that we can use in everyday life.

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