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Class 12 - Physics
Moving Charges and Magnetism Test 01

Question No. 1 to 5 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
A solenoid is a long coil of wire tightly wound in the helical form. Solenoid consists of closely stacked rings electrically
insulated from each other wrapped around a non-conducting cylinder.
Figure below shows the magnetic field lines of a solenoid carrying a steady current I. We see that if the turns are closely spaced,
the resulting magnetic field inside the solenoid becomes fairly uniform, provided that the length of the solenoid is much greater
than its diameter. For an "ideal" solenoid, which is infinitely long with turns tightly packed, the magnetic field inside the
solenoid is uniform and parallel to the axis, and vanishes outside the solenoid.

1. A long solenoid has 800 turns per metre length of solenoid. A current of 1.6 A flows through it. The magnetic induction
at the end of the solenoid on its axis is
a. 16 × 10-4 T
b. 8 × 10-4 T
c. 32 × 10-4 T
d. 4 × 10-4 T
2. Choose the correct statement in the following.
a. The magnetic field inside an ideal solenoid is not at all uniform
b. The magnetic field inside the solenoid is less than that of outside
c. The magnetic field at the centre, inside an ideal solenoid is almost half of that at the ends
d. The magnetic field at the centre, inside an ideal solenoid is atmost twice that at the ends
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3. The magnetic field (B) inside a long solenoid having n turns per unit length and carrying current I when iron core is kept
in it is (μ = permeability of vacuum, χ = magnetic susceptibility)
a. μ nl(1 − χ)

b. μ nI (1 + χ)

c. μ nI χ

d. μ nl (1 + χ)

4. A solenoid of length l and having n turns carries a current I is in anticlockwise direction. The magnetic field is
a. along the axis of solenoid
b. perpendicular to the axis of coil
c. μ nI

d. μ0


5. The magnitude of the magnetic field inside a long solenoid is increased by

a. decreasing its radius
b. decreasing the current through it
c. increasing its area of cross-section

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d. introducing a medium of higher permeability
6. The magnetic field at the centre due to the motion of the electron in the first orbit is 5. The magnetic field due to the
motion of electron in the second Bohr orbit at the centre will be:
a. B


b. B




7. A long straight vertical wire carries a current of 10 ampere flowing upwards through it at a place where the horizontal
component of the earth’s magnetic induction is 0.3 gauss. Then, the total magnetic induction at a point 5 cm from the
wire due to magnetic north of the wire is:
a. 0.5 gauss
b. 0.4 gauss
c. 0.7 gauss
d. 0.1 gauss
8. Two infinitely long wires carry currents in opposite directions. Then the field at a point P lying midway between them is
a. twice the field due to each wire alone
b. square of the field due to each wire alone
c. zero
d. half of the field due to each wire alone
9. Assertion (A): To convert a galvanometer into an ammeter a small resistance is connected in parallel with it.
Reason (R): The small resistance increases the combined resistance of the combination.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
10. Assertion: Magnetic moment of an atom is due to both, the orbital motion and spin motion of every electron.
Reason: A charged particle produces a magnetic field.
a. Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is correct explanation for assertion.
b. Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason is not correct explanation for assertion.
c. Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement.
d. Assertion is wrong statement but reason is correct statement.
11. State True or False:
i. The force on a charge due to a magnetic field can act moving in the perpendicular direction.
a. True
b. False
ii. If a long hollow copper pipe carries a current, the magnetic field produced will be outside the pipe only.
a. True
b. False
12. Fill in the blanks:
a. If two wires carry currents in ________ directions, the wires repel each other.
b. If two electron beams travel in the same direction, they will ________ each other.
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13. Write one condition under which an electric charge does not experience a force in a magnetic field.
14. Find out the value of 1 Bohr magneton. Given h = 6.62 × 10-34 J s, e = 1.6 × 10-19 C and me = 9.1 × 10-31 kg.

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15. A long straight wire carrying a current of 30 A is placed in an external uniform magnetic field of 4.0 × 10-4 T parallel to
the current. Find the magnitude of the resultant magnetic field at a point 2.0 cm away from the wire.
16. Write the relation for current sensitivity and voltage sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer? Using these relations,
explain the fact that increasing the current sensitivity may not necessary increase the voltage sensitivity.
17. A galvanometer with a coil of resistance 2.0 Ω shows full-scale deflection for a current 2.5 mA. How will you convert
the meter into:
Determine the net resistance of the meter in each case. When an ammeter is put in a circuit, does it read (slightly) less or
more than the actual current in the original circuit? When a voltmeter is put across a part of the circuit, does it read
(slightly) less or more than the original voltage drop? Explain.
i. an ammeter of range 0 to 7.5 A,
ii. a voltmeter of range 0 to 10.0 V?
18. You are given two resistors X and Y whose resistances are to be determined using an ammeter of resistance 0.5 n and a
voltmeter of resistance 20 kΩ . It is known that X is in the range of a few ohms, while Y is the range of several thousand
ohms. In each case, which of the two connections shown in Fig. would you choose for resistance measurement? Justify
your answer quantitatively,

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Class 12 - Physics
Moving Charges and Magnetism Test 01


1. (b) 8 × 10-4 T

= 8 × 10-4 T
μ nI (4π×10 )×800×1.6
Explanation: As B = 0
2 2

2. (d) The magnetic field at the centre, inside an ideal solenoid is atmost twice that at the ends
μ0 nl
Explanation: Magnetic field at one end of a solenoid carrying current is B = 2

Magnetic field inside the solenoid is uniform and is given by Bc = μ 0 nI

3. (b) μ nI (1 + χ)

Explanation: Magnetic field inside the solenoid is uniform and is given by B = μnI
But μ = μ (1 + χ) ∴ B = μ (1 + χ)nI
0 0

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4. (a) along the axis of solenoid
Explanation: A solenoid of length l and having n turns carries a current I in anticlockwise direction. The magnetic field
μ nl
is 0

. Its direction will be along the axis of solenoid.
5. (d) introducing a medium of higher permeability
Explanation: introducing a medium of higher permeability
6. (a) B

μ0 I
Explanation: We know that, B = 2a

where a is the radius of the circular path.

μ ef
I = ef, Hence B =


We also know that frequency ∝ and



a ∝ n (n is no. of orbits)

Using all these we get B ∝ 1


7. (a) 0.5 gauss

Explanation: The magnetic induction B due to a current I ampere in a long straight conductor at a distance r metre from
it is given by:
B= × (


Here, I = 10 amp, r = 5 = 5 × 10-2 m

B = 10-2 × ( 2 × 10

) = 0.4 gauss
5 × 10

Since, this point is due to the magnetic north of the conductor, the line of action of B⃗ is along the east-west direction.
Magnetic induction due
to the earth’s horizontal component is 0.3 gauss in a direction from south to north.
Resultant magnetic induction Br is given by:
B = √(0.4) + (0.3)
= 0.5 gauss
2 2

8. (a) twice the field due to each wire alone


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μ I
Magnetic field due to a current carrying wire is given by B = 0
,and for direction, point the thumb along the direction

of current then curl the fingers around will represents the direction of the magnetic field. When two wires carry currents
in the opposite direction, the magnetic field lines at any point midway between them have the same direction. The
magnitudes of the fields add up. If the current in the wires are the same, the magnetic field at the midpoint will have
twice the magnitude of the field produced by each wire.

9. (c) A is true but R is false.

Explanation: A is true but R is false.
10. (c) Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement.
Explanation: Assertion is true but reason is false. In an atom, electron revolve around the nucleus and as such the
circular orbits of electrons may be considered as the small current loops. In addition to orbital motion an electron has got
spin motion also. So, the total magnetic moment of electron is the vector sum of its magnetic moments due to orbital and
spin motion.
11. State True or False:
i. (a) True
Explanation: True
ii. (a) True
Explanation: True
12. Fill in the blanks:
a. Opposite
b. Attract
13. We know that, F = qvB sin θ . Therefore, when the electric charge is either at rest (v = 0) or parallel (θ = 0) to magnetic
field, it does not experience force in magnetic field.
14. 1 Bohr magneton = 4πme

−19 −34

= 1⋅6×10 ×6⋅62×10


= 9.27 × 10-24 A m2
15. Here I = 30 A, r = 2.0 cm = 2.0 × 10-2 m
Field due to straight current carrying wire is
= 3.0 × 10-4 T
μ0 I
B1 =
4π×10 ×30
2πr 2π×2.0×10

This field will act perpendicular to the external field B2 = 4.0 × 10-4 T. Hence the magnitude of the resultant field is
−−−−−−− −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−
2 2
B = √B 2
+ B
= √(3 × 10 −4
) + (4.0 × 10

= 5 × 10-4 T
16. Current sensitivity: It is defined as the deflection of coil per unit current flowing in it.
Current sensitivity = θ

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Voltage sensitivity: It is defined on the deflection of coil per unit potential difference across its ends.
current sensitivity
Voltage sensitivity = θ



If current sensitivity increases and the resistance also increases in same order, the voltage sensitivity will remain
17. i. For conversion into ammeter:
Rg = 12 Ω , Ig = 2.5 mA = 0.0025 A, I = 7.5 A
Rs = × Rg = × 12
I −Ig 7.5−0.0025

2.5×12×10 −3
= = 4.0 × 10 Ω

So by connecting a shunt resistance of 4.0 × 10-3 Q in parallel with the galvanometer, we get an ammeter of range 0
to 7.5 A.
Net resistance RA is given by
1 1 1 3001
= + =
RA 12 4×10 12

or R A

Ω = 4 × 10

When an ammeter is put in a circuit, it reads slightly less than the actual current in the original circuit because a very
small resistance is introduced in the circuit.
ii. For conversion into voltmeter:
Rg = 12 Ω Ig = 2.5 × 10-3 A, V = 10 V
V 10
∴ R = − Rg = − 12
Ig 2.5×10

= 4000 - 12 = 3988 μ
So by connecting a resistance of 3988Ω in series with the galvanometer, we get a voltmeter of range 0 to 10 V.
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18. In-circuit (a), the voltmeter V will measure the sum of the potential drops across the resistance and the ammeter. The
value of the resistance determined from these calculations will include the resistance of the ammeter. This will not be
desirable if resistance is very small. So the circuit (a) is suitable only for the measurement of large resistance Y. In-circuit
(b), the ammeter will read the sum of currents flowing through the resistance and the voltmeter V. The value of the
resistance obtained by these calculations will be less than the actual value. The difference will increase with the increase
in the value of the resistance. So the circuit (b) is suitable only for the measurement of the small resistance X. We can
justify the above arguments quantitatively as follows :
i. Measurement of X: Let X = 5 Ω . In circuit (a), the ammeter reading is l, and the voltmeter reading is l1, (X + 0.5).
Voltmeter reading I1 (X+0.5) I1 (5+0.5)
= = = 5.5Ω
Ammeter reading I1 I1

With circuit (a), the error in the measurement of X is 0.5 Ω

In-circuit (b), the ammeter reading is I and the voltmeter reading is X I1(=20,000 I2)
Clearly, I
2 = = I1
20,000 20,000

Voltmeter reading XI1 5I1

= =
Ammeter reading I I1 +I2

I1 + I1

= = 4.9987Ω

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With circuit (b), the error in the measurement of X is 0.0013 Ω . This error is much smaller than that obtained by
using circuit (a). Hence for measuring a resistance of few ohms, circuit (b) should be used.
ii. Measurement of Y: Let Y =20) 300 Ω . In-circuit (a), we get
Voltmeter reading 20,005I1
= = 20, 005Ω
Ammeter reading I1

The error in the measurement of Y is 5Ω

In circuit (b), we get
Voltmeter reading 20,000I2 20,000I2
= =
Ammeter reading I I1 +I2

I2 +I2

[∵ 20, 000I1 = 20, 000I2 ]

=10,000 Ω
The error in the measurement of Y is 10,000 Ω , which is much larger than error obtained by using circuit (a). Hence
for measuring large resistance of several thousand ohms, circuit (a) should be used.

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