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Draft Resolution 1.


Sponsors: USA, UK, Japan

Signatories: Germany, Canada, Australia, Republic of Korea, India, Netherlands, Turkey,

Belgium, Republic of Colombia, Afghanistan, Finland, Bhutan, Argentina, Mexico,
Bangladesh, South Sudan, Ukraine, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar

Agenda: Deliberation over the impact of Organised Crime and Global Terrorism with
Special Emphasis on the Threat of Private Military Contractors

The General Assembly,

Alarmed by the increasing threats of Private Military Contractors in third party

Noting with regret the casualties and consequences faced due to the Israel-
Turkey conflict,
Having considered the possibility of future conflicts posed by Private Military
Expressing solidarity to all countries previously affected by the misuse of
Private Military Contractors,

1) Encourages the creation of a uniform code for the regulation and compliance of
2) Proposes licensing of Private Military Contractors including mandatory reports,
audits, and inspections;
3) Further recommends improving management of Private Military Contractors’
stockpile since its miscalculation is one of the leading causes in arms trafficking;
4) Promotes investing in and increasing research and development:
a) Creation of international cyber security research institutes,
b) Development of required technology to track every movement of
the PMCs for complete transparency;
5) Suggests the establishment of a monitoring mechanism to oversee the
implementation of this resolution and ensure compliance by all parties involved;
6) Considers reporting and assessment of progress to maintain momentum and
address any challenges that may arise during the peace process;
7) Urges all the member nations of the UN to desist use of private armies for
territorial expansion;
8) Suggests the mother nation to be held accountable and responsible for the actions
of private militaries / mercenaries / non state players;
9) Stresses on the importance of at least one global meeting every six months, to
discuss and make new rules like;
10) Reinforces the need of maximum nations to be the signatory in order to regulate
the use of PMCs;
11) Demands the creation of an international database with regards to tracking the
illicit trade of arms through the internet and dark web, more specifically, the Silk

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