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Game Name: Target Challenge

Objective: The goal of the game is to throw a tennis ball as accurately as possible to hit a
designated target.

1. Targets: Set up multiple targets at varying distances. You can use hula hoops, cones, or any
other markers as targets. Place them at different distances to create different levels of difficulty.
2. Throwing Line:Mark a throwing line from where participants will make their throws. The
distance can vary based on the age and skill level of the participants.
3. Participants:Divide the participants into teams or individuals, depending on the number of

1. Turns: Each participant/team takes turns to make a throw at one of the targets.
2. Scoring:Assign points based on the accuracy of the throw. For example, hitting the target
directly could be worth 5 points, landing within a certain distance could be 3 points, and being
within a larger perimeter could be 1 point.
3. Rotation: After each round, rotate the participants/teams to different target stations to ensure
everyone has a chance to throw at various distances.
4. Time Limit:Set a time limit for each round to keep the game moving briskly.

1. Moving Targets: Have a person hold or move the target to increase difficulty. This challenges
participants to adjust their aim dynamically.
2. Blindfolded Throws: Blindfold participants and have a guide direct them to the throwing line.
The guide can provide verbal instructions to help the participant aim accurately.
3. Team Relay:Create a relay race where team members take turns throwing at different
targets. The team with the highest total score at the end wins.

Remember, safety is crucial. Make sure the throwing area is clear of obstacles, and participants
are aware of proper throwing techniques to prevent injuries.

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