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WTW 124: Bonus question 5


1. Submit via google form.

2. Deadline 20 September 2020.

3. The winner is for the best written up solution.

4. If you get 10 for Assignment 5, then it is only for bragging rights.

5. There will only be one winner each week.

Problem statement
(a) Madonna is mad about 3 × 3 matrices M = [mij ] where for any i, j we have mij ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.
What is the largest possible value that det(M ) can be? Provide a matrix with this determinant.
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(b) Evaluate . NB: Make sure you provide answer in simplest form.
Submit details
Submit pdf with your answers to problem a and b. Make sure your pdf includes your name, sur-
name and student number.

“The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics.” - Paul Halmos

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