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Name Form

Question Your Comments

Which subjects did you do best in? French and Portuguese
Why did you do well in these subjects?
I speack more
Which is your best OBS Learner skill? Responsibility for learning and
independente learning
Why do you think this is? I dont speack a lot and Im very
Which subject do you need to improve most.
History and Drama
Set a smart target 1) What will you try to do to improve?
Speack more and study harder for
the test.
2) Who will you need to help you?
My friends
3) How can they help?
By giving me more confidence to
speack in class.
4) How long will it take you to progress by
one band?
One term or less.Maybe weeks.
Which OBS Learner skill do you need to improve
Set a smart target 5) What will you try to do to improve?
Colaboration in learning
6) Who will you need to help you?
Maybe friends
7) How can they help?
By puting me with more confidence
8) How long will it take you to progress by
one level?
One month

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