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HS 210


Committed to Change wanted an all-inclusive binder full of community resources. The goal was
to have everything in one place, so it was easily assessable to workers and clients. This project
took place from January 17, 2023 until March 23, 2023.

Amanda Wilson
Need/Problem Assessed

Committed to Change previously had a binder of sorts made but the resources in it were

old and some did not exist anymore. On the third floor where most of the PRP things are kept is

where most resources are now. They are kept in shelves on the walls but even some of that is

older outdated information.

Project Goal and Outcomes

The goal of this project was to gather all the information and put it in one place that

everyone could easily access. We wanted to have a binder for each floor of the office so that you

would not have to go searching too hard to find it. I was given different sections that they wanted

in it. One way success could be achieved was by the end of the project having a binder full of

resources including food pantry locations and times, housing applications and landlord lists, legal

documents like child support and divorce, AA and NA Meeting information, mental/behavioral

health providers and more. Another way success would be achieved is if the sections in the

binder were clearly labeled and the binder had an accurate table of contents.

Implementation of Project

The project was projected to be completed during the time frame of spring internship. I

worked on it from January 17, 2023, until March 23, 2023. During this time, I gathered two

binders, 18 dividers and several hundred clear pocket holders. The first day I worked on this

project I went to the third floor in the PRP resource room and made myself a copy of every
single paper that was available. I then went and sorted the paperwork into piles based on what

they were. Some piles were housing, legal, childcare, food, substance abuse information, and

provider information.

During each section I went online to to verify information, and make sure I

was not missing any resources. While I was working on the mental/behavioral providers section

and the primary care providers sections I would also call their offices to confirm the address,

phone number, and if they accepted Medicaid. It was important to make sure the places I added

to these forms accepted Medicaid because all of our clients at Committed to Change have a form

of Medicaid for their insurance.

When the papers were ready to be put into the binders, I divided them into nine sections.

(Food, Transportation, Meetings/Support Groups, Health Services, Prevention Treatment &

Recovery Programs, Misc. SSI/SSDI, Misc. Program Information/Applications, Legal, and


The main people involved in my project were my supervisor and Therapist A in the

office. Therapist A and my supervisor were the main ones who came up with the project and

helped get me started.


The binder has not been used yet as far as I am aware. I know that therapists and

other coworkers have said they are excited to look through it and use it when needed. I do

believe I accomplished everything I set out to do with this project.

Project Analysis

During this project I learned about several community resources that I did not know of

before, and I learned more about the ones I had heard of already. I learned that I work well alone

and prefer to be able to complete projects without much supervision. I liked being able to work at

my own pace and that I got the entire semester to complete this project. I liked that going into it

they gave me an idea and things they would like incorporated in and then gave me the materials

and let me run free with it to make it look how I wanted it to.

I took my time working on this project because I knew that me as a person could have

completed it all in one month. I wanted challenge myself to work slowly and talk to others and

see if they had new ideas or resources I had not thought about. While I do not mind asking others

for help, it is not something I do often.

Some of my strengths are my independence, willingness to learn and that I like being a

team player. Although I do not often get the chance where I work at now to work as a team, I

have enjoyed getting to step in and step up at my internship and help out and learn new things.

Some things I think I need to work on are that I lack confidence in myself, and that I try to make

projects perfect. I have been working on the confidence slowly since entering the Human Service

Program, and I do believe it has increased but could still be better. I have enjoyed this

opportunity to learn more about Committed to Change, and am very thankful for this experience.

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