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Amanda Wilson

PSYC 289

July 14, 2022

Exercise 8

This is definitely a hard thing to have to go through and decide how to handle. I like that

Lorraine confronted Toby with someone else in the room because of the whole he said she said

thing. I also like that she went and got his side of the story before she went to her director or

even the ethics board.

When it asked to think about how if you were Lorraine how would you act if you had

known Toby for 20 years as opposed to having just met him and hired him, I was definitely

confused about how I would respond. I know that it would be harder for me to do the right thing

in that kind of situation. I would know in my brain that the right thing to do is to report it because

who knows what else he could be lying about or who else he has lied to. But my heart would

want to protect my friend because you would not want them to get in trouble. I know I would

absolutely go ahead and report it to the correct people but I would have an internal struggle and I

would probably feel guilty for a while afterwards.

The ethical codes I think relate to this are VIII-3 decision making model, VIII-5

investigations, VIII-8 agency conflict, VIII-10 violations without harm, VIII-11 violations with

harm, and VIII-13 consultation. These all relate to the vignette because it talks about Lorraine

having to decide, having to do an investigation, and consultation. The codes that are violations

with hard and violations without harm relate due to the possibility that Toby had caused harm to

himself or to others by lying about his hours.

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