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Marketing Plan Lists

Not Started In Progress Delayed Complete Custom 1 Custom 2 Custom 3 Custom 4



Product Analysis In Progress John C. John C. 7/1/2023 8/1/2023 6/28/2023 $1,500 $1,250

Design Storyboards In Progress Mark M. John C. 7/15/2023 8/15/2023 7/13/2023 $2,000 $1,840

Review Storyboard Design Complete Mark M. John C. 8/1/2023 8/20/2023 $1,450

Research Analysis Phase I Delayed Kamil A. Andrew L. 6/1/2023 7/1/2023 6/1/2023 6/28/2023 $3,000 $3,200

Advertising Content Creation Phase I Delayed Kamil A. Timothy S. 9/1/2023 9/15/2023 $500

Product Requirement Definitions Delayed Kamil A. Vivian A. $575 $125

Prototype Development Specifications In Progress Kamil A. Gabe F. 9/12/2023 9/25/2023 $1,750

Quality Control, Progress Reports In Progress Mark M. Kamil A. 7/1/2023 10/1/2023 7/1/2023 $925 $250

Create Storyboards Not Started Mark M. John C. 7/15/2023 8/15/2023 7/13/2023 $2,000 $1,840

Review Storyboards with Graphic Artists Delayed Mark M. John C. 8/1/2023 8/20/2023 $1,450

Research Analysis Phase II Complete Kamil A. Andrew L. 6/1/2023 7/1/2023 6/1/2023 6/28/2023 $3,000 $3,200

Advertising Content Creation Phase II Not Started Kamil A. Timothy S. 9/1/2023 9/15/2023 $500

A well-designed versatile EIB website is a This will boost EIB credibility and cement
1 Revamp Website
vital digital marketing strategy. our online presence.

Most insurance consumers use digital With the right website content, EIB can
channels like Google or Bing to research improve brand awareness, generate good-
2 SEO Strategy
different insurance companies and types of quality leads, and we can establish
insurance products. ourselves as an industry leader.
This means that EIB will only appear in the
SEO is a long-term inbound marketing
search results if we have an effective
tactic, typically taking 4-6 months before
content marketing and SEO (Search Engine
EIB starts seeing results.
Optimization) strategy.

Insurance companies must use social Social media platforms are great for
Social Media media marketing platforms like Instagram, building new relationships, engaging with
Presence/Strategy Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and even our audience, and providing excellent
TikTok to increase reach and brand recall. customer service.

Positive customer reviews can significantly

4 Leverage Customer Reviews skyrocket your insurance sales and lower
customer acquisition costs.
The easiest way to leverage legitimate and
positive online reviews is by messaging or
emailing satisfied clients or providing them
with a pre-written review template.

A referral program is a powerful marketing

Develop an Enticing Referral
5 strategy to help EIB find new clients and Reduces customer acquisition costs
scale our insurance sales exponentially.

Not only does this reduce our efforts in

generating leads, but peer
recommendations are much more likely to
be viewed as authentic by a potential
Moreover, you can also use analytics to
target and retarget clients. You can then
PPC advertising is one of the most cost-
use these learnings to refine your keyword
6 Run PPC (Pay Per Click) Ads effective ways of driving quality traffic to
strategy and long-term SEO goals and
EIB’s website or landing page.
optimize your insurance marketing
campaigns in real time.
More importantly, it lets EIB reach high-
intent insurance buyers at the right time,
positively impacting our ROI (Return on
7 An offline insurance marketing campaign
While digital marketing strategies have
Offline Strategies - Events, can instill a sense of trust and familiarity.
become a popular way for an insurance
Sponsorships, Publications, They also allow you to test new regional
provider to reach their audience, offline
TV, Radio markets and reach customers where they
media channels are still important.
This marketing strategy can be cost
effective while helping brands enter new
and/or existing markets and drive more
sales, and achieve set objectives.
Partnership marketing is the
The reward may be a partner brand
process of two brands
discount. Some brands personalize the
collaborating in specified
reward by assessing consumer profiles and
campaigns that benefit both
spending habits.
These loyalty types invite partner brand
involvement when they include rewards and
discounts for other brands within the loyalty

This technique allows EIB to align with

another brand to improve customer
retention rates.

Influencer marketing resembles product
placement, except it takes places with People who follow influencers
influencers through social channels. appreciate their lifestyle and want to
Influencers are people who have a large buy products the individual
following and who have influence over their recommends
The partner typically receives a commission
This strategy would allow EIB as a brand to
of some sort for gained revenue, leads, or
collaborate with publishers such as
clicks. This makes it mutually beneficial for
websites, bloggers, or other brands. The
both EIB and the partner, since EIB as the
publishers then promote EIB products to
main brand gains traffic and sales, and the
their target audience.
publisher gets a percentage of the sale.
Executing affiliate marketing provides you with the opportunity to access new customers for your brand.
Showcase our brand personality using
an appropriate tone of voice, logo, and
colors. Also, include high-quality
3rd party SM Agency
employee images, an about us page, a
mission statement, and client
Adopt a mobile-first responsive design
approach, ensuring the website is
compatible with desktops, mobiles,
tablets, and the top internet browsers.
Include compelling and intelligently-
placed call-to-action buttons, such as
get a quote, click-to-call, etc., across
relevant pages of our website.
USSD Flashers
Chat Feature/Bot
QR Code per product
Provide our customers with a login
portal and credentials, giving them
access to critical policy documents and
account information.
Brainstorm relevant topics and use
digital marketing tools like Google
3rd party SM Agency
Adwords or Ahrefs to find relevant
targeted keyword variations.

Create quality content that is easy to

read and understand, and ensure no
grammatical or spelling mistakes.

Leverage off-page SEO by writing a

guest post for a reputed publication in
the insurance business or sponsoring
events to earn a link on their website.
Build and maintain a compelling
Google Business Profile by including
all relevant business information and
best-performing keywords in the
business attributes.

Segment our target audience based on

demographics, pain points, and 3rd party SM Agency

Determine what kind of marketing

campaign EIB's target market would
find relevant and engaging. For
example, our TikTok audience will
likely be much younger and hence
would be more interested in a smaller
insurance product like car insurance.
Develop a consistent and friendly
brand voice without sounding too
Identify relevant content formats, like
infographics, how-to guides, webinars,
contests, giveaways, etc.
Create and maintain a consistent
publishing schedule.
Encourage your audience to share
their thoughts in the comments section
or DMs and engage with prompt

EIB In-house
You incentivize your clients to refer your
product to their connections by offering gift
EIB In-house
cards, cashback offers, discounts, and

3rd party SM Agency

3rd party Media Agency


provide rewards to consumers for taking EIB and Brand Partner
some desired action.

Some forms of loyalty partnerships are:

Advocacy:Brand advocates are consumers

who are so loyal to a brand that they
choose to promote it and support it, and the
brand (EIB) offers them some sort of
Frequency: This form of loyalty is based on
how frequently a customr uses or buys
your services/products. Once they take
desired actions a certain amount of times in
a given period, they are rewarded.

When a brand partners with an influencer,

they provide them with a specific product or
get them to use a service. The influencer
3rd party Media Agency, Influencer, EIB
posts about it and sometimes provides their
following with a unique link for customers to
use when they make their purchase.

To conduct affiliate marketing campaign,

EIB would in some instances provide links
in content, banner ads, social media,
newsletters, e-shots via mobile platforms.


Referrals Networks

Content Marketing

PPC Advertising

Online Reviews (Manage & 'Encourage)



Chat Services - on Website/Telephone

Video Shots

Customers often have questions or run into obstacles during the purchasing process,
and many prefer to chat rather than make a phone call. Offering a chat service on
your website can help to quickly address customer concerns and move them farther
down the sales funnel.

Video is one of your most powerful marketing tools, especially for mobile users who
prefer watching video over reading pages of content on their mobile screens. Use
video to answer frequently asked questions, provide education on insurance topics,
present quick client testimonials, and to create a human connection with your
prospects and customers.

Email Automation

1) More Customer Contacts

2) Cross Sell More

3) Annual Coverage Reviews

4) Discount Reviews

5) Strengthen Your “Onboarding”

6) Call Before Premium Increases

7) Setup Automatic Payments

8) Get More Referrals

After your investment to secure a customer, an automated
email and nurture campaign can effectively help to retain
the customer and support cross-selling opportunities.
Using an email automation program ensures a regular and
logical sequence of communication and enables you to
tailor messaging to a user’s specific preferences, history,
and behavior.
The key to multiple touches throughout the year is to vary the method
and make sure you’re always bringing value. The same email every
month about why to buy life insurance doesn’t cut it.

Need ideas? Here’s a few: emails, phone calls, newsletters, postcards,

seminars, policy reviews, holiday cards, birthday cards, text messages,
surveys, handwritten letters, webinars, community events,
recommendations, gifts, billing notices, customer appreciation parties.

It’s very simple: The more lines you sell someone, the higher their
retention rate.

I used to work for a company that gave such a big discount on your auto
insurance if you bought a renters policy it was usually cheaper to have

A lot of agents thought the company was crazy but I didn’t.

I know the retention rate for those clients went through the roof when we
added that extra policy.
What holds most agents back is deciding they’re going to do it,
developing a process, and following through.
Make it easy on yourself and start with a small goal of doing one
coverage review a week (or even less) and only go after your best clients.

Remember that even when clients decline your offer to review coverage,
they’ll still appreciate the gesture and won’t be able to use, “I never hear
from my agent.” as an excuse to shop around.
Has a client ever left you to save 10% when you could have saved them
15% just by applying all the discounts they were entitled to?

Don’t lie.

It’s incredibly frustrating and I know a lot of agents that will blame the
client for not calling you first. This is wrong.

Asking your clients a few questions every year to make sure they have
every discount they’re entitled to will make them feel more confident
they’re getting a fair price and they’ll be more endeared to your
commitment to saving them money.
Marriage is the most important and longest lasting commitment most
people ever make and that’s why every culture makes such a big deal out
of wedding ceremonies.

I know it sounds silly, but I encouarage agents to compare their new

client onboarding processes to a wedding ceremony.
Do your new clients feel like they’ve just joined a family, or made a
business transaction?

Unless Kim Kardashian is your client, the more your onboarding process
resembles a wedding the longer they’ll stick with you.

By the way, this is a highly symbolic analogy so don’t toss rice or tie
cans to their car.
I know many agents prefer to “let the sleeping dog lie”, but when you
know a client is going to receive a big premium increase I recommend
being proactive about it.

If you’re open and honest, the good clients will appreciate it. You can
also give people an opportunity to change coverages around or identify
any additional discounts to reduce the effect.

Orient your conversation around what is causing the increase and what
can be done to offset it if needed. Assume that leaving your agency is not
an option.
​Clients on EFT payments renew their policies at a much higher rate than
those who write a check and mail it every month.

It’s just too convenient to stay and too inconvenient to leave.

Getting your clients on automatic payments is a mini-sale within the sale

and should be appreciated for its value.

Make sure your staff is aware how important it is and compensate them
Every agent loves referrals and you can never have too many, but one
value that often goes unappreciated is that clients who refer are more
likely to renew.

It’s psychology… if I tell everyone you’re the best agent ever,​

1. I’ll believe it more every time I say it aloud.
2. I’d feel stupid switching after saying you’re the best.
Read this article for more ideas on getting referrals
Marketing Plan Lists
Marketing Plan PLAN


John C. Marketing Specialist

Mark M. Marketing Manager

Kamil A. Project Manager

Phil G. Marketing Analyst

Andrew L. Research Coordinator

Timothy S. Marketing Specialist

Vivian A. Marketing Analyst

Gabe F. Associate Marketing Manager

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