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the letter of the correct answer on the line next to the question (using capital letters). If relevant, include details about
time, use of calculators, etc.

1. Which is not part of the Skeletal System?

a. Bones
b. Ligaments
c. Tendons
d. Cartilage

2. Which is not a Bone Cell?

a. Osteocytes
b. Osteon
c. Osteoblasts
d. Osteoclasts

3. Is a butterfly-shaped bone that spans the width of the middle cranial fossa
a. Sphenoid Bone
b. Frontal Bone
c. Ethmoid Bone
d. Temporal Bone

4. If Carpals:wrist, then Metacarpals:?

a. Toes
b. Fingers
c. Palm
d. Feet

5. The capacity of the muscle to respond to stimulus

a. Elasticity
b. Contractility
c. Excitability
d. Extensibility

6. The basic structural and functional unit of a skeletal and is the smallest portion of a
skeletal muscle that is capable of contracting?
a. Sarcolemma
b. Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
c. Sarcoplasm
d. Sarcomeres
7. It is a type of contraction where length of muscles does not change.
a. Isotonic Contraction
b. Isometric Contraction
c. Sygnetic Contraction
d. Contraction of Skeletal Muscle Tissue

8. What muscle holds 1 bone in place relative to body while a more distal bone is
a. Fixators
b. Synergist
c. Antagonist
d. All of the above

9. What muscle opposes contraction; works in opposition to another muscle?

a. Fixators
b. Synergist
c. Antagonist
d. All of the above

10. What is called when actin and myosin myofilaments slide over one another during
muscle contraction
a. Sliding Filament Model
b. Myofilament Model
c. Sliding Model
d. None of the above

B. Identification

___________11. The “shaft” of a bone


___________12. Is the formation of bone by osteoblasts


___________13. Responsible for making flat bones (Type of Ossification)

(Intramembranous Ossification)

___________14. The heaviest and strongest bone in the body.


___________15-16. Give at least 2 components of Acting Myofilaments

(Actin, Troponin, Tropomyosin)

___________17. Can influence bone health by regulating bone remodeling and bone cell activity.
___________18. Process of forming speech sounds by manipulating the airflow and vocal tract to
produce specific phonemes (Articulation)

___________19. Smiling is the accomplished primarily by the ____________


___________20. Internal rotary movement of radius on ulna


Word Bank

Diaphysis Tropomyosin
Ossification Adiponectin
Intramembranous Membrane Articulation
Femur Zygomaticus
Actin Pronator

C. Matching Type

_d_1. Longer than they are wide (Type of

Bone) _h_9. Connective tissue sheath that
surrounds entire muscle
_a_2. Growing end of the bone
_f_10. A hormone that can influence bone
_e_3. External rotary movement of radius on health by regulating appetite and body
ulna that result in hand moving form palm- weight
down to palm-up position a. Diaphysis

_b_4. Forms the inferolateral aspects of skull b. Temporal Bone

and parts of cranial floor.
c. Smooth Muscle
_j_5. Forms the anterior portion of the
cranium d. Long Bone

_g_6. Elevates anus and supports the pelvic e. Supinator

f. Leptin
_i_7. Connective tissue connecting muscle to
bone g. Levator ani

_c_8. Contract more slowly than skeletal h. Epimysium

muscle cells
i. Tendon

j. Frontal Bone

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