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Laboratory Activity #6: Physiology of the Bones

Riya S. Haryani
Name: _______________________________________________________ ________________________________
Student #: __________________________________ Date: __________________
September / ___
25 / 2021

I. Using the following key choices, choose all responses that apply to the following descriptions. Enter
the appropriate letter(s) on your answer sheet:
A. Central (Haversian) Canal
B. Concentric Lamellae
C. Lacunae
D. Canaliculi
E. Bone Matrix
F. Osteocyte
1. Layers of Calcified Matrix
2. “Residences” of osteocytes
3. Longitudinal canal, carrying blood vessels and nerves
4. Nonliving, structure part of bone
5. Tiny canal, connecting lacunae

II. For each joint described below, select an answer from Key A. Then, if Key A Selection is other than C
(a synovial joint), see if you can classify the joint further by making a choice from Key B.

Key A: Key B:
A. Cartilaginous 1. Epiphyseal disk
B. Fibrous 2. Suture
C. Synovial 3. Symphysis
1. Has amphiarthrotic and synarthrotic examples
2. All have a fibrous capsule lined with synovial membrane surrounding a joint cavity
3. Bone regions united by fibrous connective tissue
4. Joints between skull bones
5. Joint between skull atlas and axis
6. Hip, elbow and knee
7. All examples are diarthroses
8. Pubic symphysis
9. All are reinforced by ligaments
10. Joint providing the most protection to underlying structures
11. Often contains a fluid-filled cushion
12. Child’s long-bone growth plate made of hyaline cartilage
13. Most joints of the limbs
14. Often associated with bursae
15. Have the greatest mobility

III. Using the key choices, identify the body systems that relate to bone tissue viability. Enter the
appropriate key terms and letters in your answer sheet.
A. Endocrine
B. Integumentary
C. Muscular
D. Nervous
E. Reproductive
F. Urinary
1. Conveys the sense of pain in bone and joints
2. Activates vitamin D for proper calcium usage
3. Regulates uptake and release of calcium by bones
4. Increases bone strength and viability by pulling action
5. Influences skeleton proportions and adolescent growth of long bones
6. Provides vitamin D for proper calcium absorption

IV. Visualization of the Bones. NOTE: FOR DRAWINGS: You should draw and submit your own drawings.
Do not download drawings from the internet. FOR NON-DRAWING ITEMS: You can type it. Make
sure they are still arranged according to order prescribe in Activity Sheet.
1. Draw and label the parts of the bone in cross sectional view.
2. Draw and label the parts of osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
3. Draw and label the parts of long, short, flat and irregular bone (one example each classification).
Identify what is the name of that bone.
4. Draw and label the parts of Synarthroses or fibrous joints, Amphiarthroses or Cartilaginous
Joints and Diarthroses or Synovial Joints (one example each classification). Identify what is the
name of that joint.


Answer sheet

Riya S.Haryani 60/60

21-00608 September 25,2021

1. B- Concentric Lamellae
2. C- Lacunae
3. A- Central (Haversian) Canal
4. E- Bone Matrix
5. D- Canaliculi
6. A- Cartilaginous
7. C- Synovial
8. B- Fibrous Suture
9. B- Fibrous Suture
10. C- Synovial
11. C- Synovial
12. C- Synovial
13. A- Cartilaginous Symphysis
14. C- Synovial
15. B- Fibrous Suture
16. C- Synovial
17. A- Cartilaginous
18. C- Synovial
19. C- Synovial
20. D- Nervous
21. F- Urinary
22. A- Endocrine
23. C- Muscular
24. E- Reproductive
25. B- Integumentary

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