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One of my favorite TV Shows of all 9mes is Gossip Girl. I recently rediscovered it and I am
loving it.

This TV show has many good features. On one hand, it is very interes9ng to see the life in the
Upper East Side from the point of view of each of the characters, even though it is probably
very enhanced. On the other hand, the story of the characters is messy and chao9c, and it
keeps you wan9ng more and more. It is so easy to binge watch. This show was so good in 2007
that 14 years later it got a sequel, though in my opinion I doubt is as good as the original.

The only thing I don’t like about it is that some characters are honestly unnecessary, and their
only purpose seems to be to disturb the audience.

Overall, I think it is a good TV show if you want to scape reality for a bit and just spend some
9me in New York.

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