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The Challenge of Today’s Generation

Good Morning Everyone, First, let us give thanks to God who has given us His
grace, guidance and blessing, so that we can gather in this room, without any

Ladies and Gentleman, In this modern era, children are increasingly forgetting
what to do as the nation’s successors, the obligation of a student to learn, even
more so to both parents, is less noticed.

The youths of today prioritize having fun over carrying out their obligations. They
no longer consider what will happen after what they did.

In fact, apart from harming themselves, it can also harm the nation in which they

They do not realize what they are doing is the beginning of the start of the
destruction of this nation. All they know is that they are looking for pleasure to
entertain their hearts by ignoring the halal and haram.

While their parents don’t know at all. If most parents are like that, then the fate
of the nation is at stake. If the nation’s morals have been polluted, then there is
no peace to be occupied as a means of survival of its citizens.

Thus the role of parents is very important in monitoring the moral growth of the
nation through its generation.

The environment in which regeneration lives also greatly influences the ongoing
process of socialization, and interactions among living beings which will
determine the future.

The role of parents and teachers is urgently needed at this time, to raise
awareness of adolescent behavior in a positive direction. That’s all I want to
convey in this speech, if there are mistakes, please be advised.

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