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Ladies and gentlemen,

Let me introduce myself, young cadet Nanang Maolana, my register is number 22.58.2083 I am from
the technical department this opportunity I would like to tell you about, "moral education".

If we talk about moral education, of course, it is aimed not only at students but also at all people
who live in groups and must know about moral education. Moral education is very important and
much needed in various aspects of life. Most Indonesian people today glorify formal and non-formal
education. However, they forget the basic foundation of education, namely moral education which is
far more important than formal and non-formal education.

At present, many of us are competing to develop and upgrade intellectual education, but without we
forget that moral education should also be balanced.

Many things prove that in our country moral education is experiencing a decline. For example, it is
easy for underage children to access and watch porn videos, lack of respect for younger children for
their elders. This is enough to prove that Indonesia is on the of collapse, how come we are not
capable of building good relations with fellow human beings, it is because of improving our attitudes
and behavior?

Dear friends,

As young people who are the successors of the nation, wouldn't we be ashamed if our nation's
morals were destroyed? If the nation's morals are destroyed, then this country will also be
destroyed. So, whether this nation's morals are good or not depends on all of us, especially the
younger generation.

For that, let's fix our morals from now on. Starting from each of us first. new to our family, and lastly
to our society. If people's morals are good, God willing, the nation's morals will also be good.
Starting from ourselves, right now!

Finally, we apologize if, in this speech about moral education, there are many mistakes here and
there, we end it, wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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