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13 The future

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be
fought with sticks and stones.”
― Albert Einstein

Mixed up vocabulary
tobo - (n) a machine which operates without human control
p​erinditco - (n) a guess about a future event
otunre ​
f​ t​
erell - (n) a person who claims to be able to see into the future
ecoastr - (n/v) an outlook for the future (for example ​
f​ weather​ ____________ )
u​tpioa - (n) a perfect world
pacployes - (n) the end of the world
b​rakergohuth - (n) an important discovery which allows progress to be made

Idioms and collocations

ahead of its ​
The iPhone was ​ __________ ​
​ and revolutionised the industry.
look into my crystal ​
If I ​ __________ , ​
​ ​
I see a bleak future​ ​
newspaper journalism.
educated ​
If I make an ​ __________ , ​
​ I think we’ll see driverless cars within 10 to 15 years.
short ​
In the ​ __________ ​
​ petrol prices will continue to rise.
Time will ​
__________ ​
​ if the Prime Minister’s growth forecasts are too pessimistic.

ball time term tell guess

Grammar bit
According to some predictions, by the year 2020 mobile phones ​
will be wafer thin, ​
be able to download a movie in less than a second and ​could have a battery which lasts
for weeks.
16 The future

Would you like to live for 1000 What might your mobile phone
years? be able to do in ten years time?

Are you optimistic or Would you like a car that drives

pessimistic about the future? itself?

What do you think people will

What possible future invention
do for entertainment in the
do you wish existed now?

What do you think will be

Do you think people will work
important political issues in the
more or less in the future?
next decade?

If it was possible to
What laws do you think could time-travel, which time
change in the future? period would you like to

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