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Name : _____________________________

Present Position : Teacher I

School/District : ______________________________


This refers to the capacity and ability of a candidate to assume the duties of the
position to be filled up pf those of higher level.
The personnel Selection Board / Committee (PSB/ C) shall determine the
potentials of the candidate based on each of the following components:

A. Communication Skills (1 point)

Speaks and writes effectively in Filipino and English ___1.00___

B. Ability to present ideas ( 1 point)

Presents well - organized and precise ideas with marked ___1.00___

Command of the language used.

 Confused and illogical (.25)
 Tends to scatter and become involved (.50)
 Usually gets ideas across well (.65)
 Shows superior ability to express herself (.75)
 Unusually logical, clear and convincing (1.0)

C. Alertness (1 point)
Manifests presence of mind and awareness of the environment ___1.00___
Slow in grasping obvious question. Often misunderstanding
Meaning of questions (.25)
 Slow to understand and settle points (.50)
 Nearly grasp intent of interview question (.65)
 Rather quick in grasping question and new ideas (.75)
 Exceptionally keen and quick to understand (1.0)

D. Judgment ( 1 point) ___1.00___

Demonstrates sound judgment
 Notably lacking in balance and restraint (.20)
 Shows tendency to react impulsively and without restraints (.40)
 Acts judiciously on ordinary circumstances; might be hasty (.60)
 Gives reassuring evidence of considered judgment (.75)
 Inspire unusual confidence in probable soundness of judgment ( 1.0)

E. Leadership Ability ( 1 point) ___1.00___

Influence others to do the task for him.

TOTAL RATING ………………………………………….. ___5.00____

Certified Correct :

Evaluating Official
Principal 1

September 12, 2023


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