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SESSION 2021-22
Class: IX Max. Marks: 40
Subject: Social Science Time: 2 hrs.

General Instructions:
• This question paper is divided into five sections-Section A, B, C, D and E.
• All questions are compulsory.
• Section-A: Question no. 1 to 5 are very short answer type questions of 2 marks each. Answer to each
question should not exceed 40 words.
• Section-B: Question no. 6 to 8 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each
question should not exceed 80 words.
• Section-C: Question no. 9 and 10 are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks each. Answer to each
question should not exceed 120 words.
• Section-D: Question no. 11 and 12 are Case Based questions. Carrying 4 marks each (1+1+2).
• Section-E: Question no. 13 is map based, carrying 3 marks with two parts, 13.1 from History (1 mark) and
13.2 from Geography (2 marks). Both the maps to be attached with the answer sheet.
• There is no overall choice in the question paper.
• However, an internal choice has been provided in a few questions. Only one of the choices in such
questions have to be attempted.
• In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary.
सामान्य निर्दे श:
• यह प्रश्न पत्र पाां च खांड -ां खांड ए, बी, सी, डी और ई में बाां टा गया है ।
• खांड-ए: प्रश्न सांख्या। 1 से 5 अनि लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न हैं , नििमें से प्रत्ये क के 2 अांक हैं । प्रत्येक प्रश्न का उत्तर 40 शब् ां से
अनिक िहीां ह िा चानहए।
• खांड-बी: प्रश्न सांख्या। 6 से 8 लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न हैं , नििमें से प्रत्येक के 3 अांक हैं । प्रत्येक प्रश्न का उत्तर 80 शब् ां से
अनिक िहीां ह िा चानहए।
• खांड-सी: प्रश्न सांख्या। 9 और 10 र्दीघघ उत्तरीय प्रश्न हैं , नििमें से प्रत्येक के 5 अांक हैं । प्रत्येक प्रश्न का उत्तर 120 शब् ां से
अनिक िहीां ह िा चानहए
• खांड-डी: प्रश्न सांख्या। 11 और 12 केस आिाररि प्रश्न हैं ।
• खांड-ई: प्रश्न सांख्या। 13 िक्शा आिाररि है , निसमें र्द भाग ां के साथ 3 अांक हैं , इनिहास से 13.1 (1 अांक) और भूग ल
से 13.2 (2 अांक)
• प्रश्न पत्र में क ई समग्र निकल्प िहीां है । हालाां नक, कुछ प्रश्न ां में आां िररक निकल्प प्रर्दाि नकया गया है । ऐसे प्रश्न ां में से
केिल एक निकल्प का प्रयास करिा है ।
• इसके अलािा, िहाां आिश्यक ह , प्रत्येक अिु भाग और प्रश्न के साथ अलग-अलग निर्दे श नर्दए गए हैं ।


खंड -ए {2x5} बहुत ही संक्षिप्त उत्तर

1 What is the present methodology of poverty estimation in India? 2

भारि में अपिाई गई ििघमाि गरीबी आकलि पद्धनि क्या है ?

2 Describe the problems faced by the Weimar Republic? 2

िैमर गणराज्य के सामिे आिे िाली समस्याओां का िणघि करें ?

3 Read the climatic data in the table given below and answer the questions that follow: 2
िीचे र्दी गई िानलका में िलिायु सांबांिी आां कड ां क पऩिए और नर्दए गए प्रश्न ां के उत्तर र्दीनिए:

3.1 Find out the range of temperature of the given station.

नर्दए गए स्टे शि के िपांिर का पिा लगाएां ।

3.2 Looking at the range of temperature, identify the type of climate.

िपांिर क र्दे खिे हुए, िलिायु के प्रकार की पहचाि करें ।

4 What are the controls affecting the climate of India? 2

भारि की िलिायु क प्रभानिि करिे िाले कौि से नियांत्रण हैं ?

5 Why do we have reserved constituencies? 2

हमारे पास आरनिि नििाघचि िेत्र क्य ां हैं ?


खंड-बी [3x3] लघु उत्तर

6 Explain the role of women in Nazi society. 3

िािी समाि में मनहलाओां की भूनमका की व्याख्या कीनिए।
Why did the Tsarist autocracy collapse in 1917? Give any three reasons.
1917 में ज़ारशाही निरां कुशिा का पिि क्य ां हुआ? क ई र्द कारण र्दीनिए।

7 List all the different election related activities and arrange them in a time sequence, 3
beginning with the first activity and ending with the last.
निनभन्न चुिाि सांबांिी गनिनिनिय ां की सूची बिाएां और उन्हें पहली गनिनिनि से शुरू करिे हुए
एक समय क्रम में व्यिस्थथि करें और अांनिम गनिनिनि से समाप्त करें ।

8 Mention the Social and Economic groups, which are most vulnerable to poverty in 3
उि सामानिक एिां आनथघक समूह ां का उल्लेख कीनिए, ि भारि में गरीबी के प्रनि सिाघनिक
सांिेर्दिशील हैं।

खंड-सी [5x2] दीघघ उत्तरीय प्रश्न

9 Give an account of the current government strategy of poverty alleviation. 5

गरीबी उन्मूलि की सरकार की ििघमाि रणिीनि का नििरण र्दें ।
“There were a number of causes for the widespread poverty in India”. Elucidate
“भारि में व्यापक गरीबी के कई कारण थे।" स्पष्ट करें

10 “It exercises political authority on behalf of the people in many ways”: Enlist the major 5
powers and functions of the Indian Parliament.

"यह कई िरह से ल ग ां की ओर से राििीनिक अनिकार का प्रय ग करिा है ": भारिीय सांसर्द की

प्रमुख शस्िय ां और कायों क सूचीबद्ध करें ।
“The President is the head of the state”. Examine the statement with examples.
"राष्टरपनि राज्य का मुस्खया ह िा है" उर्दाहरण सनहि कथि का परीिण कीनिए।


खंड - डी (4X 2) केस आधाररत प्रश्न।

11 Read the passage given below and answer the questions given below. 4
िीचे नर्दए गए गद्ाांश क प़िें और निम्ननलस्खि प्रश्न ां के उत्तर र्दें :

The year 1904 was a particularly bad one for Russian workers. Prices of essential
goods raised so quickly that real wages declined by 20 percent. The membership of
workers’ associations rose dramatically. When four members of the Assembly of
Russian Workers, which had been formed in 1904, were dismissed at the Putilov Iron
Works, there was a call for industrial action. Over the next few days over 110,000
workers in St Petersburg went on strike demanding a reduction in the working day to
eight hours, an increase in wages and improvement in working conditions. When the
procession of workers led by Father Gapon reached the Winter Palace it was attacked
by the police and the Cossacks. Over 100 workers were killed and about 300 wounded.
The incident, known as Bloody Sunday, started a series of events that began, came to
be known as the 1905 Revolution. Strikes took place all over the country and
universities closed down when student bodies staged walkouts, complaining about the
lack of civil liberties. Lawyers, doctors, engineers and other middle-class workers
established the Union of Unions and demanded a constituent assembly.

िर्घ 1904 रूसी श्रनमक ां के नलए निशेर् रूप से बुरा था। आिश्यक िस्तुओां की कीमिें इििी िेिी
से ब़िीां नक िास्तनिक मिर्दूरी में 20 प्रनिशि की नगरािट आई। श्रनमक सांघ ां की सर्दस्यिा में

िाटकीय रूप से िृस्द्ध हुई। िब 1904 में बिी रूसी कामगार ां की सभा के चार सर्दस्य ां क
पुनिल ि आयरि िर्क्घ में बखाघस्त कर नर्दया गया, ि औद् नगक कारघ िाई का आह्वाि नकया गया।
अगले कुछ नर्दि ां में सेंट पीटसघबगघ में 110,000 से अनिक कमघचारी काम के नर्दि क घटाकर
आठ घांटे करिे, िेिि में िृस्द्ध और काम करिे की स्थथनि में सुिार की माांग क लेकर हडिाल
पर चले गए। िब फार्दर गैपॉि के िेिृत्व में कायघकिाघ ओां का िुलूस निांटर पैलेस पहुांचा ि उस पर
पुनलस और क सैर्क् िे हमला कर नर्दया। 100 से अनिक कायघकिाघ मारे गए और लगभग 300
घायल ह गए। घटिा,
ब्लडी सांडे के रूप में िािा िािे िाला, घटिाओां की एक श्रृांखला शुरू हुई निसे 1905 की क्राांनि
के रूप में िािा िािे लगा। पूरे र्दे श में हडिालें हुईां और निश्वनिद्ालय बांर्द ह गए िब छात्र
सांगठि ां िे िागररक स्विांत्रिा की कमी की नशकायि करिे हुए िाकआउट नकया। िकील ,ां
डॉक्टर ,ां इां िीनियर ां और अन्य मध्यम िगघ के कायघकिाघओां िे यूनियि ां के सांघ की थथापिा की
और एक सांनििाि सभा की माांग की।

11.1 What was the percentage decline in the real wages of the Russian workers in the 1
year 1904?
िर्घ 1904 में रूसी श्रनमक ां के िास्तनिक िेिि में नकििे प्रनिशि की नगरािट आई थी?

11.2 Why were the workers at St. Petersburg in strike? 1

सेंट पीटसघबगघ के मिर्दूर हडिाल में क्य ां थे?

11.3 Describe any two social conditions in Russia before 1905? 2

1905 से पहले रूस में नकन्हीां र्द सामानिक स्थथनिय ां का िणघि करें ?

12 We have selected our crops from a bio-diverse environment, i.e., from the reserve of 4
edible plants. We also experimented and selected many medicinal plants. The animals
were selected from large stock provided by nature as milch animals. They also
provided us with drought power, transportation, meat and eggs. The fish provide
nutritive food. Many insects’ help in pollination of crops and fruit trees and exerting
biological control on such insects is harmful. Every species has a role to play in the
ecosystem. Hence, conservation is essential. As has been mentioned earlier due to
excessive exploitation of plant and animal resources by human beings, the ecosystem
has been disturbed. About 1,300 plant species are endangered and 20 species are
extinct. Quite a few animal species are also endangered and some have become extinct.

हमिे अपिी फसल ां क िैि-निनिि िािािरण से, यािी खाद् पौि ां के भांडार से चुिा है। हमिे
कई और्िीय पौि ां का प्रय ग भी नकया और उिका चयि भी नकया। िाििर ां क र्दु िारू पशु के
रूप में प्रकृनि द्वारा उपलब्ध कराए गए बडे स्टॉक से चुिा गया था। उन्ह ि ां े हमें मसौर्दा नबिली,
पररिहि, माांस और अांडे भी प्रर्दाि नकए। मछली प र्क भ िि प्रर्दाि करिी है। कई कीट
फसल ां और फल ां के पेड ां के परागण में मर्दर्द करिे हैं और ऐसे कीड ां पर िैनिक नियांत्रण करिा
हानिकारक ह िा है। पाररस्थथनिकी िांत्र में प्रत्येक प्रिानि की भूनमका ह िी है। इसनलए सांरिण
िरूरी है। िैसा नक पहले उल्लेख नकया िा चुका है नक मािि द्वारा पौिे और पशु सांसािि ां के
अत्यनिक र्द हि के कारण पाररस्थथनिकी िांत्र गडबडा गया है। लगभग 1,300 पौि ां की प्रिानियाां
लुप्तप्राय हैं और 20 प्रिानियाां निलुप्त हैं। काफी कुछ िाििर ां की प्रिानियाां भी लुप्तप्राय हैं और

कुछ निलुप्त ह गई हैं।

12.1 What is an ecosystem? 1

पाररस्थथनिकी िांत्र क्या है?

12.2 Name any two endangered species of India. 1

भारि की नकन्हीां र्द लुप्तप्राय प्रिानियाां के िाम नलस्खए।

12.3 How are human beings responsible for the imbalance in the ecosystem? 2
पाररस्थथनिक िांत्र में असांिुलि के नलए मिुष्य कैसे निम्मेर्दार हैं ?


खंड-ई (1X3) मानक्षित्र आधाररत प्रश्न

13 13.1. On the given outline political map of Europe, identify the country marked ‘A’ in 1
the following information and write its correct name.

यूर प के नर्दए गए रूपरे खा के राििीनिक मािनचत्र पर, निम्ननलस्खि िािकारी में 'ए' के रूप में
नचनिि र्दे श की पहचाि करें और उसका सही िाम नलखें

A) An Allied power in the First World War.

ए) प्रथम निश्व युद्ध में एक सहय गी शस्ि।

13.2. (i) On the outline map of India, identify the features named A and B and write
their names.
भारि के रूपरे खा मािनचत्र पर A और B िाम की निशेर्िाओां क पहचानिए और उिके िाम

A. The river flows north of the Tapi and has its estuary in the Arabian Sea.
िापी के उत्तर में बहिे िाली और अरब सागर में मुहािा ह िे िाली िर्दी।
B. The river drains parts of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
यह िर्दी किाघटक और िनमलिाडु के कुछ नहस् ां क बहािी है।

(ii) On the same map of India, locate and label the given feature with appropriate
भारि के इस मािनचत्र पर र्दी गई निशेर्िा क उपयुि नचि ां के साथ ढू ूँ ़िें और लेबल करें ।
(a) Wular lake
(a) िुलर झील

Social Science Class IX (2021-22)
TERM-II (40 Marks)

1 Income method and calorie count method (consumption method) 2 marks

2 Following are the problems faced by the Weimer Republic: 2 marks

i. It had signed the treaty at Versailles and hence it was held
responsible for accepting the humiliating provisions.
ii. The Weimer Republic had to pay the war compensation which had
crippled it financially.
iii. The Weimer Republic had to face the revolutionary uprising of the
Spartacist League. However, the uprising was crushed.
iv. With changing situations in 1923, it printed paper currency
recklessly. With too much-printed money in circulation, the value of
German currency fell and prices of goods soared. Thus, they had to
face hyperinflation.
v. The Great Economic Depression 1929-32, further hit the German
economy. Industrial production fell and unemployment was very
vi. Owing to some inherent defects viz. proportional representation, the
Weimer Republic was fragile. People lost confidence in the
democratic parliamentary system due to constant political
instability. (Any two points)

3 A. 33.3-14.4 = 18.90 C. 2 marks

B. Continental type of climate / Extreme type of climate.

4 The six controls that affect the climate of India are latitude, altitude, 2 marks
pressure and wind system, ocean currents, distance from the sea and relief
features (any two).

5 Some constituencies are reserved for people who belong to the Scheduled 2 marks
Castes [SC] and Scheduled Tribes [ST]. In a SC reserved constituency only
someone who belongs to the Scheduled Castes can stand for election.
Similarly only those belonging to the Scheduled Tribes can contest an
election from a constituency reserved for ST. Thus, the reserved seats for
SC and ST do not take away the legitimate share of any other social group.
( any other point)

6 i. The role of women in Nazi society followed the rules of a largely 3 marks
patriarchal or male-dominated society.
ii. Hitler hailed women as "the most important citizen" in his
Germany, but this was true for only Aryan women who bred pure-
blooded Aryan children.
iii. Motherhood was the only goal they were taught to reach for, apart
from performing the stereotypical functions of managing the
household and being good wives.
iv. This was in stark contrast to the role of women in the French
Revolution where women led movements and fought for rights to
education and equal wages.
v. They were allowed to form political clubs, and schooling was made
compulsory for them after the French Revolution. ( any other point)

7 Making of voters list → Announcing election schedule → Releasing election 3 marks

manifesto → Election campaign → Filing nomination → Casting of votes
→ Ordering of re-poll → Counting of votes → Declaration of election
results. ( any other point)

8 i. Social groups which are most vulnerable to poverty are scheduled 3 marks
caste and scheduled tribe households.
ii. Among the economic groups, the most vulnerable groups are the
rural agricultural labour households and the urban casual labour

9 The Economic growth and the targeted anti-poverty programmes are :-- 5 marks
Various schemes like Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Guarantee Act, 2005, Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY),
Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana (PMGY) and Prime Minister Rozgar
Yojana (PMRY) have been introduced by the government with an aim to
abolish poverty

10 i. Parliament is the final authority for making laws in any country. 5 marks
This task of law making or legislation is so crucial that these
assemblies are called legislatures.
ii. Parliaments all over the world can make new laws, change existing
laws, or abolish existing laws and make new ones in their place.
iii. Parliaments all over the world exercise some control over those who
run the government. In some countries like India this control is
direct and full. Those who run the government can take decisions
only so long as they enjoy support of Parliament.
iv. Parliaments control all the money that governments have. In most
countries the public money can be spent only when Parliament
sanctions it.
v. v. Parliament is the highest forum of discussion and debate on
public issues and national policy in any country. Parliament can
seek information about any matter. (Any other relevant point)

11 11.1. 20% 1 mark

11.2. Workers in St Petersburg went on strike demanding a reduction in 1 mark
the working day to eight hours, an increase in wages and improvement in
working conditions.
11.3. The Social, economic, and political conditions in Russia before 1905 2 marks
were backward: Social Conditions - 85% of Russia's population was
agriculturist. The industry was existent, but rarely in which most of it was
privately owned. Workers were divided based on their occupation. (Any
other relevant point)

12 12.1. An ecosystem is a community of plants, animals and smaller 1 mark

organisms that live, feed, reproduces and interact in the same area or
12.2. (Any two) 1 mark
12.3. Hunting by greedy hunters for commercial purposes. Pollution due to 2 marks
chemical and industrial waste, acid deposits, introduction of alien species
and reckless cutting of the forests to bring land under cultivation and
habitation, are responsible for the imbalance in the ecosystem. (Any other
relevant point)

13 13.1. France 1 mark

13.2. (i) A. Narmada 1 mark
B. Kaveri
(ii) Wular Lake 1 mark

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