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Physical Environment:

The space inside the room is more than enough for learners to move about. This allows for flexibility
in arranging furniture and creating different learning spaces as needed. The room arrangement matches
with teaching-learning principles. There are several room arrangements in the school to accommodate
different teaching methods and group activities, such as clusters of desks for group work or a larger open
area for presentations or debates. The visual displays in the classroom are attractive and stimulate learning.
They include informative posters, educational charts, and students' work showcasing their learning
progress. These displays are regularly updated to keep the environment engaging. The school premises
are safe, and the classroom space is free from hazards. Learners are provided with comfortable light and
ventilation. The classroom is well-lit, with natural light streaming in through windows.

Psychological Environment:

There are sets of rules and procedures followed in the classroom. These rules establish
expectations for behavior, participation, and respect towards others. For example, rules might include
raising hands to speak, being attentive, and using polite language. Sets of expectations are in place to
motivate learners to learn. These expectations may include rewards for achievements, recognition for effort,
and a sense of pride in academic accomplishments. Teachers consistently reinforce these expectations
and celebrate successes. These rules and expectations are observable in the classroom. They are clearly
communicated to learners, displayed as visual reminders, and reinforced through positive reinforcement
and constructive feedback. The classroom atmosphere is based on trust, cooperation, and empathy.
Students are encouraged to work collaboratively, share ideas, and support each other's learning. Teachers
foster a non-judgmental environment where students feel safe to express their thoughts and ask questions.
Positive attitudes, respectful behavior, and constructive actions are modeled by both teachers and students.
This includes active listening, valuing diversity, and resolving conflicts in a peaceful manner. Teachers
establish a culture of mutual respect and cultivate a growth mindset among learners. Ridicule, sarcasm,
and superiority are avoided in the classroom. Teachers promote a culture of kindness and foster an
inclusive learning community where everyone feels valued and comfortable to participate. Opportunities are
provided for learners to share their experiences and learning with each other. Group discussions,
presentations, and peer-to-peer collaboration activities are encouraged. This fosters a sense of belonging,
promotes active engagement, and enhances students' communication skills.

Social Environment:

There are ample opportunities for positive interaction inside the classroom. Group work,
cooperative learning activities, and class discussions facilitate peer-to-peer interaction and exchange of
ideas. Students are encouraged to listen actively, offer constructive feedback, and learn from each other's
perspectives. Outdoor activities are organized to foster friendship, camaraderie, and cooperation. These
activities may include sports events, field trips, or team-building exercises. They provide opportunities for
students to engage in collaborative tasks, develop social skills, and build lasting relationships. Individual
needs and differences are considered in the social environment. Teachers create an inclusive classroom by
promoting understanding, acceptance, and respect for diversity. They adapt teaching strategies to cater to
different learning styles and provide necessary support to students with special needs. Individualized
learning plans may be developed to ensure all learners can thrive and succeed.

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