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Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education

Grade Level: Grade 9

Objective: Learn Sanitation and Safety in food service

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science: Understanding the importance of proper food handling and storage to

prevent foodborne illnesses.

2) Mathematics: Calculating proper ratios and measurements for sanitizing solutions.

3) English: Developing effective communication skills in explaining sanitation and

safety procedures to others.

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Storytelling]

[Instructional Materials: Images of contaminated food, foodborne illness statistics]

1) Tell a real-life story of a food poisoning outbreak in a local restaurant and discuss
the consequences.

2) Show images of contaminated food and discuss the potential health risks.

3) Share statistics foodborne illnesses and their impact on public health.

Activity 1: Food Safety Inspection

[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

Materials: Food safety inspection checklist, gloves, hairnets, aprons

Significance: Students will learn how to conduct a food safety inspection and
identify potential hazards in a food service establishment.


1) Divide students into groups and assign each group a different food service
establishment (e.g., restaurant, cafeteria, bakery).

2) Provide each group with a food safety inspection checklist.

3) Instruct students to conduct a thorough inspection of their assigned establishment,

noting any violations or potential hazards.


- Completeness and accuracy of inspection checklist: 15 pts

- Identification of potential hazards: 15 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What are the key areas to inspect during a food safety inspection?

2) Why is it important to identify potential hazards in a food service establishment?

3) How can violations in food safety standards affect public health?


Activity 1 - Students will demonstrate their ability to conduct a food safety inspection
and identify potential hazards. This activity connects to the main objective of learning
sanitation and safety in food service by providing practical experience in assessing
and mitigating risks in a food service establishment.


The main point of the objective "Learn Sanitation and Safety in food service" is to
understand the importance of proper sanitation and safety practices in the food
service industry. By following established rules and patterns, such as proper food
handling and storage, students can prevent foodborne illnesses and ensure the
safety of consumers.

[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

Task 1 - Students will role-play as food service workers and demonstrate proper
handwashing techniques. They will explain the importance of hand hygiene and how
it contributes to sanitation and safety in food service.

Task 2 - Students will design a poster or infographic that highlights the key principles
of sanitation and safety in food service. They will apply their knowledge to create a
visually appealing and informative resource for others.


[Teaching Strategy: Discussion]

[Instructional Materials: Case studies of foodborne illness outbreaks]

Question 1 - Discuss the potential consequences of poor sanitation and safety

practices in a food service establishment.

Question 2 - How can proper sanitation and safety practices help prevent foodborne

Question 3 - Analyze a case study of a foodborne illness outbreak and identify the
possible causes and preventive measures that could have been taken.


1) Research and write a short report on a recent food safety regulation or guideline
implemented by the government. Include its significance and impact on the food
service industry.

2) Visit a local food service establishment and observe their sanitation and safety
practices. Take photos and write a reflection on the strengths and areas for
improvement in their procedures.

Note: The rubrics, assessment questions, and assignments are not provided as they
require more specific details and context.

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