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How To Open Your

Crown Chakra

Guidebook By
The Crown Chakra Is A Doorway
To Our Conscious Knowing
Opening your crown chakra will allow you to
see the bigger picture and understand others.
It will allow us to reach our highest potential
and it will help us to trust ourselves and the
universe at large.

So how do we open our Crown Chakra? Here are

13 steps you can take right now to bring this
chakra into a greater state of well-being:

1. Visualize it opening up:

Imagine your Crown Chakra as a rich violet
colored vortex like opening in the top of their
head. They then visualize expanding it to about
a foot wide, spinning clockwise and pulling
golden light energy from the universe, into it
and down into their body.

2. Meditate:
Any stilling of the mind is going to allow the
consciousness to open up to receiving. These
meditations can be moving meditations,
mindfulness sitting meditations, or guided
meditations for example. I have designed a
guided meditation specifically for opening the
crown chakra so if you’re interested in that,
click on this link.
3. Seek inspiration:
This might mean listen to inspiring music, read
an inspiring book, watch an inspiring movie,
write positive affirmations that you actually
believe, or take a walk in nature. Anything that
inspires you will open your crown chakra.

4. Spend time in silence:

Even though the crown chakra can be influenced
to open by sound, it is also influenced to open by
silence more so than any of the other chakras.

5. Question your thoughts

and open your mind:
The more rigid your thoughts and beliefs are,
and the more closed minded you are, the
more closed this chakra will be. Try to see
how the opposite of your thoughts are true,
change your beliefs, open up radical new
perspectives, and seek out new knowledge.

Spend time outdoors,
especially on mountaintops:
The crown chakra is particularly influenced by
atmosphere. I should say that the atmosphere
influences your thoughts. Fresh air and sunlight
and large panoramic views witnessed from
above in natural surroundings cause people’s
thoughts to come into a frequency that allows
the crown chakra to be open.
7. Practice appreciative notice:
Look for things that you enjoy looking at and feel grateful for. Doing this
causes your frequency to entrain with your eternal perspective. It opens a
channel through your body, starting with the crown chakra so source energy
can run straight through your body. You can do this by writing a list of all the
things you notice that you appreciate in the moment you are in.

8. Chanting and sounds:

You may have your favorite chant already, if not go looking for some. Play with
tones. The sound that the crown chakra tends to respond to the most is NG.
So hum that sound and find the tone that causes the very top of your head to
vibrate. Hold that sound for as long as you want to.

9. Head massages and headstands:

By massaging your head or standing on your head,
you are bringing your conscious attention to that
area of yourself and then by virtue of the way that
massaging or downward blood flow feels, you are
releasing the mental tension that is prohibiting the
energy from entering in through your chakra and so,
the energy can flow in through the chakra.

Surround yourself with and use
these things daily:
The color violet purple, Amethyst, Sugilite,
Charoite, all clear stones especially Apophyllite and
Danburite, frankincense, myrrh, lotus, sage, juniper,
lavender, amber, copal, purple cabbage and the all
powerful red mimosa flower to name a few.
11. Spiritual medicines that
contain DMT:
I prefer to teach people how to reach states of
spiritual awakening, including an open crown chakra
through less drastic measures that can be controlled
by consciousness alone so we do not need anything
outside ourselves to achieve these states. But you
may feel called to try those medicines. So trust your
own inner guidance when it comes to this decision.

12. Acts of love and kindness:

When we are expressing love, both towards
ourselves and towards others we are in a frequency
that causes the crown chakra to open. The best
way to do this for yourself is to write a list of all the
ways that you are lovable. Really dedicate time
each day to self-love in whatever way we feel called
to do it. Also, do acts of kindness towards others.
This connects us with each other, which is like food
for a chakra that is all about oneness.

13. Fasting:
Fasting in a healthy way affects the crown chakra
particularly well. Put some effort into choosing the
right fast for you. Be sure to prepare you body for
it in advance and to monitor your body during the
fast and also to gradually break the fast. If simply
opening the crown chakra is your prerogative, try a
6 hour or a 12 hour fast only.
Ok, but where do I start?
A simple and powerful way to open your Crown Chakra is to meditate.
Click here to get my Crown Chakra Meditation


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