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Sasha Pototska

1. Guess a word from the video

 A person who engages in a contest. challenger
He’s the national champion of Liechtenstein and a worthy challenger
for Mark. Він національний чемпіон Ліхтенштейну і гідний
суперник для Марка.
 In relation, comparison, or proportion to something else. relatively
Techniques used by competitors vary, but the secret seems to be
relatively uncomplicated. Техніки, які використовують
конкуренти, різноманітні, але секрет, здається, відносно
 An amount, standard, level, or rate regarded as usual or ordinary.
The average skydiver jumps from a plane and free falls, reaching
speeds exceeding 100 miles per hour in moments. Середній
парашутист стрибає з літака і вільно падає, за мить досягаючи
швидкості, що перевищує 100 миль на годину.

However, not all skydivers are ‘average’. Однак не всі парашутисти

є «середніми».

In the competition, participants use the average speed of their three

best jumps. У змаганнях учасники використовують середню
швидкість своїх трьох найкращих стрибків.

His wind-filled clothing gives him the advantage he needs to achieve

three very good jumps and his average speed is the highest of all the
competitors. Його наповнений вітром одяг дає йому перевагу,
необхідну для досягнення трьох дуже хороших стрибків, а його
середня швидкість є найвищою серед усіх конкурентів.
Having or displaying a strong desire to be more successful than others; as
good as or better than others of a comparable nature. Competitive
In the highly competitive sport of speed skydiving, participants use
scientific approachesand imagination- to go beyond terminal velocity.
У висококонкурентному виді спорту стрибки з парашутом
учасники використовують наукові підходи та уяву, щоб вийти за
межі кінцевої швидкості.
 Anything that is living, such as an animal, fish, or insect, but not a plant.
However, there is one creature in nature that has learned how to reach
higher speeds: the peregrine falcon. Однак у природі є одна істота,
яка навчилася розвивати більшу швидкість: сапсан.
 A machine with moving parts that converts power into motion. Engine
The only thing that’s faster than me is possibly a jet engine. Єдине, що швидше
за мене, це, можливо, реактивний двигун.

I go faster than that and I haven’t even got an engine on me’. Я їду швидше, і в
мене навіть двигуна немає».

Some people call speed skydiving the fastest sport in the world without an
Деякі люди називають швидкісні стрибки з парашутом найшвидшим видом
спорту в світі без двигуна.
 Capable of being filled with air. Inflatable
Marco doesn’t have inflatable trousers, just a smooth rubber suit which is tight-
fitting to keep air resistance at a minimum. У Марко немає надувних штанів,
лише гладкий гумовий костюм, який щільно прилягає, щоб звести опір
повітря до мінімуму.
 In every case or on every occasion; invariably. Consistently
Mark’s focusing on going fast consistently. Марк зосереджується на
тому, щоб постійно рухатися швидко.
 Say something in a boastful manner. Brag
You talk to people and they brag about their Ferraris and stuff like that, and
you just turn around and say, ‘Well, sorry. Ви розмовляєте з людьми, і вони
хваляться своїми Ferrari і тому подібним, а ви просто повертаєтеся і
кажете: «Ну, вибачте».
 A weapon that is self-propelled or directed by remote control, carrying
conventional or nuclear explosive. Missile
The peregrine is also known as nature’s ‘guided missile’. Сапсан також
відомий як «керована ракета природи».
 A bunch of feathers with a piece of meat attached to a long string, swung
around the head of the falconer to recall a hawk (here); a type of bait used in fishing
or hunting (here); something that tempts or is used to tempt a person or animal to do
something. Lure
When Ken reached terminal velocity, he dropped a weighted lure
made out of meat. Коли Кен досяг кінцевої швидкості, він скинув
обтяжену приманку з м’яса.
 Alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit,
appearance, or result. Adjust
As Mark steps into space, he moves his head backwards and adjusts his body.
Коли Марк виходить у простір, він повертає голову назад і регулює тіло.
 Tending to move unsteadily from side to side. wobbly
Got into the clouds, then was a bit wobbly. A bit wobbly. Потрапив у хмари,
потім був трохи хиткий. Трохи хитка..

2. Answer the questions

1. What is air resistance caused by?
Terminal velocity occurs when a falling body experiences zero acceleration
and can`t go faster. It`s caused by air resistance.
2. What does Mark Calland compare himself with?
When using the trousers, Mark`s body is almost like a badminton shuttlecock.
3. Why is peregrine known as a ‘guided missile’?
Because Ken Franklin decided to find out if peregrine falcon is the fastest bird
and attached a tiny computer to the bird that recorded its speed.
4. What are the secret techniques of skydiving?
Techniques used by competitors vary, but the secret seems to be relatively
uncomplicated . Just jump out of an aeroplane, dive at inhuman speeds towards
the ground – sometimes head first – and remain completely relaxed.
5. What does it feel like according to Mark Calland?

It’s the adrenaline rush.You talk to people and they brag about their Ferraris
and stuff like that, and you just turn around and say, ‘Well, sorry. I go faster
than that and I haven’t even got an engine on me’.
6. How are Mark’s and Marco’s techniques different?

Techniques used by competitors vary, but the secret seems to be relatively

uncomplicated. Just jump out of an aeroplane, dive at inhuman speeds towards
the ground- sometimes head first- and remain completely relaxed!
7. What are air scoops? Where does the name come from?
Mark has developed a special suit with trousers- or what he calls ‘pants’ that
fill with air. These pants are actually big air scoops. The bottom half of the
pants actually inflates and gives you a shuttlecock effect. When using the
trousers, Mark’s body is almost like a badminton shuttlecock. His strongly
built upper body is like the rubber tip of a shuttlecock. His air-filled trousers
are like the feathers at the other end. The trousers increase Mark’s drag, but
they give him much more control. Wearing them makes it easier for him to
remain relaxed while he’s hanging upside down and flying towards the earth.

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