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Document Analysis Template for CEFR

Course developers’ names: Belen Auquilla-Jheyson Sagal-Janneth Yanza

Assigned age group: 6-8 years old
Chosen proficiency level and its justification in bullet:
● According to the Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages (CEFR), a basic level ranges from pre-A1 to A1.
● The Ministry of Education considers these children to be between
3rd and 4th grade, which aligns with the abovementioned basic level.
● Since this level focuses on everyday activities and, considering that
their cognitive skills are still developing, it is more appropriate to
start at this level.

Main Objective (1):

- To comprehensively examine and gain insights into the English
language competencies of learners operating at the A1 proficiency
Specific Objectives (2-3):
- To analyze the different CEFR components and their outcomes
related to students' productive skills within the A1 proficiency level.
- To understand the various learning capabilities and limitations of
learners at the A1 level, to tailor teaching methods effectively.
- To come up with different didactic strategies based on the specific
needs and characteristics of A1-level learners, ultimately enhancing
their English language proficiency.

Names/titles of the document(s) that were analyzed:

-English Language Assessment
-Curriculo 2016, Lengua Extranjera
-Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning,
teaching, assessment
-Introductory Guide to the Common European Framework of Reference
(CEFR) for English Language Teachers
-EF English Proficiency Index and English in Ecuador: Uncertain
assumptions of the international ranking

Component Questions Results Practical actions

/Section/Part and/or activities for
the planning or
design of your EFL
Vocabulary What types of words do Students tend to use Activity: Flash Card
Range children learn when their set of isolated Game.
they are studying at A1 words and phrases
Students match
level? primarily in specific,
flashcards with words
concrete contexts. This
or phrases related to
means that they learn
the vocabulary they
words and phrases that
are learning, such as
apply to everyday,
basic words for
practical situations,
common situations.
such as greetings,
When they find a pair
basic questions,
of cards, they must
personal descriptions,
create a sentence with
and descriptions of
the two words or
common objects. For
example, they might
learn vocabulary
related to family, food,
daily routines,
numbers and body
parts. These words are
essential for
communicating in
simple situations, such
as introducing
themselves to
someone, ordering
food in a restaurant, or
describing everyday
objects. As they
progress in their
learning, they expand
their vocabulary to
address a wider variety
of topics and
situations. However, at
A1 level, they focus
mainly on vocabulary
that is essential for
getting by in everyday,
routine contexts.

Grammatical What does grammatical Students show limited Activity: Error Book
accuracy accuracy involve control of grammatical and Solutions.
according to CEFR at structures and simple
Students identify and
the A1 level? sentence patterns in
record grammatical
their learning
errors they make in
repertoire. They can
exercises and then
construct basic
find and record
sentences and express
simple ideas. For
corrections. This
example, they are able
activity encourages
to write a short
self-reflection and
postcard with simple
self-directed learning,
sentences that allow
helping students
them to describe
improve their
themselves and
grammatical accuracy
communicate basic
by learning from their
information. Although
own mistakes.
their grammatical
ability is limited, this
stage represents a
crucial starting point in
their language
learning, as it allows
them to begin to
communicate in an
elementary way.
Orthographic How does learning Students have the Activity: Dictionary
control correct spelling improve ability to copy familiar of Spelling Errors.
A1 level students' words and short
Students identify and
writing skills? phrases, e.g., simple
record words with
signs or directions,
common spelling
names of everyday
errors in their A1
objects, names of
level. They then look
stores, and commonly
for the appropriate
used phrases. In
correction and create
addition, they know
a personal dictionary
how to copy familiar
with these corrections
words and short
and examples of
phrases, e.g., simple
correct usage. This
signs or directions,
dictionary serves as a
names of everyday
tool to improve their
objects, names of
spelling and self-
stores, and commonly
used idioms.
Sociolinguistic How does the Students have the Activity: Dictionary
development of ability to carry out of Spelling Errors:
sociolinguistic basic social
Students identify and
competence at A1 level interactions, including
record words with
influence students' greetings, farewells,
common misspellings
communicative abilities introductions, and the
at their A1 level.
in simple English use of common polite
They then look for
conversation? forms such as please,
the appropriate
thank you, sorry,
correction and create
among others.
a personal dictionary
-Students can manage with these corrections
very short interactions and examples of
with pauses. correct usage. This
dictionary serves as a
tool to improve their
spelling and self-
Coherence How does coherence At A1 level, students Activity:
help A1 level students often use simple Collaborative
express themselves connectors such as Illustrated Story.
better? "and" or "then", which Students create a
can limit their story together using
expression. Coherence, pictures or
which involves illustrations. Each
organizing ideas student chooses an
logically, helps image and adds a
structure conversations sentence that
and writing more continues the story,
clearly. By learning to thus building a
use connectors such as coherent narrative.
"but" or "because,"
students express more
complex relationships,
which improves
comprehension and
lays the foundation for
better language
proficiency at higher
levels. Coherence is
essential for students
to express themselves
Spoken fluency How does spoken Students are able to Activity: News
fluency help kids produce very short and Minutes.
communicate and isolated utterances,
Students work in
interact in mostly pre-packaged,
groups where they
conversations? with many pauses to
are given cards with
search for expressions,
news topics or
articulate less familiar
pictures. Each group
words, and repair
must talk non-stop
about the assigned
topic for a specific
amount of time, and
then rotate to a new
Language What do international Students demonstrate a Activity: Exploration
Proficiency assessments and deep understanding of Flash Card.
Assessment standards, such as the the importance of
EF EPI and ILSA, conducting an Students gain an
accomplish for students' effective language understanding of how
language learning? learning needs analysis language learning
in relation to needs can be
international identified in the
assessments such as context of
the EF EPI and ILSAs. international
Students recognize that standards and
differences in assessments. The
assessment activity includes the
methodologies can use of language
cause bias and learning scenario
understand the need to cards and visual
balance a global representations of
perspective with local international tests,
needs when planning such as the EF EPI.
language instruction. Children participate
To practice these in group discussions
skills, students in which they reflect
participate in an on how to help a
activity in which they learner learn a
consider international language in specific
assessments and situations. By sharing
students' needs when their ideas with the
planning a language class, the children
teaching program. learn the importance
of analyzing language
learning needs for
effective and
Emotional and How does the Students understand Activity: "Coffee and
Social Well- socioemotional well- the importance of their Friendly
Being being of language emotional well-being Conversation".
learners affect their in the process of Students enhance the
success in language learning English. They well-being of A1-
acquisition? recognize human and level language
social sensitivity as a learners by fostering
key factor for success a relaxed and
in language learning, supportive
understanding that environment for
emotions and social language practice.
interactions play a key Students sit in pairs
role in their progress. or small groups,
choose random
conversation topics,
and share their
opinions and
experiences while
enjoying a drink. This
focus on social
interaction and
language practice in a
friendly environment
not only contributes
to students' well-
being but also
enhances their
success in language
especially at a basic
Socioeconomic "How can acquiring Students who practice Activity: "English
situation proficiency in a new and improve their Word Market".
language, specifically English proficiency Students would use
English, impact the can experience a game pieces to
future socio-economic number of significant "shop" for products in
standing of certain benefits throughout a fictitious market
students?" their lives. Improving using English words,
English fluency such as "apple" for a
provides students with toy apple. During the
valuable activity, they would
communication and be encouraged to use
negotiation skills in a English in simple
globalized world, sentences. Although
increases their ability discussion of
to travel and live in socioeconomic
English-speaking impact is limited at
this age, the activity
countries, enables interactively
them to access introduces English
international and lays the
educational resources, groundwork for more
and improves their in-depth future
employment language learning.
including international
positions and higher
salaries. This
positively impacts both
their personal lives and
their socio-economic

References (of the analyzed documents in APA 7th edition)

Consejo de Europa (2001). Common european framework of reference for

languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. Cambridge University Press

A1 level activities for children. (s/f). Recuperado

el 17 de octubre de 2023, de


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