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Revised midterm test CLIL course, April 4, 2023

Video analysis test.

Your name: Janassova Albina

Final score:

For this test, you can gain 0 to 10 points per question. Number of points depends on the quality of the answer.
Maximum 100 points in total. 10% of total course mark.

Please type your answers in the white boxes below. Thanks!

Nr. Questions points
1. What would be an appropriate or useful title for this lesson?
Protection and securing nature creations

2. What could be a short and appropriate description of the science subject content of this lesson,
as it would appear in the syllabus? Explain your answer (do not use the word ‘egg’… )
In this lesson children have to solve a task,to achieve a goal of protecting the object, using
knowledge and skills, which were acquired before constructing a plan.
3. Formulate one of the English content objectives of the lesson:
Try to find a way to solve the tricky task, while practicing the experiment and analyzing the
4. Content. Please describe in one or two sentences where and how this member of the 4 C’s is
part of the lesson.
The content of the lesson consists of vocabulary, language tenses, useful phrases, actions, etc.
Children try to achieve a goal by using communication skills, speaking skills,writing and
listening skills, and in the end evaluating the conclusions of their team effort to find a solution
for the experiment, even if redoing the situation for the second time.

5. Cognition. Please describe in one or two sentences how the cognitive level of the pupils is
trained during this lesson.
Thinking skills of children are important, for creating a solution for protection,as well as
creativity skills and evaluation skills. Understanding the task, creating a plan and applying it in
order to achieve the goal.

6. Give and explain two examples of language of learning from the video
Key vocabulary that was used in the lesson is-prepositions (on,in,under), specific content
words(plastic bags, balloons, etc.);
7. Give and explain an example of language for learning from the video
Group work-children were making a team effort in finding the solution for protection the
object (creating a plan,speaking about the steps, etc.). Moreover they wrote their plans step-

8. Group work is a learning method (learning activity) that you can see several times in the video.
Explain one clear example from the video of how the teacher prepares the students to do their
group work.
At first she shows terminological vocabulary, explain their goals as a group, explains the
language content, and finally gives an opportunity to work as a group.

9. Describe one clear example of scaffolding that is provided during the lesson.
Before starting group work, teacher explain the topic, vocabulary, task and aims, discuss with
everyobe, and then children start to create a plan.

10. Give an example of code switching that takes place during the lesson. Why is the use of the
mother tongue appropriate in this situation?
Example of code switching was when children were working in groups, as in that case mother
tongue was used for better understanding not only each other, but also the task.

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