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Ian S. Agocoy 11 – STEM Einstein 11-27-23
I. T if it pertains to tensional stress, C for compressional stress,
and S for shear stress
C 1. It causes rocks to fold or fracture.
T 2. It causes rocks to be pulled apart.
T 3. The common type of stress found on divergent plate boundaries.
S 4. This stress on rocks results to slippage and translation of walls.
C 5. It occurs on convergent plate boundaries.
T 6. It causes rocks to lengthen and break apart.
C 7. This type of stress squeezes rocks together.
S 8. It commonly occurs in transform plate boundaries.
T 9. It happens when the dominant force is directed away from each
S 10. It develops when the forces are directed towards each other but
not along the same axis.
II. Draw and identify the type of stress, and its effects on rocks.

Illustration of type of Type of stress Effects on rocks


Compression Stress Compressional cause

a rock to shorten

Tension Stress Tensional cause a

rock to elongate, or
pull apart
Shear Stress Shear causes rocks to
slip past each other.

III. Analyze the given illustrations then complete the thought of the
organizer below.
1. (Left Picture)
What I know
I think that the thing that is happening in illustration is a
divergent plate boundary and the rocks are experiencing
tension stress.
What I heard
According to my teacher, sir Ken, tensional stress is a stress
that makes the rock go apart from each other.
What I read
Based from my research, the tension stress that we are seeing
makes the rocks split apart and causing to make a fault line.
2. (Right Picture)
What I know
I think the thing in picture is a convergent plate boundary and
the its compression stress are all over the rocks.
What I heard
According to my teacher, sir Ken, compression stress makes
all the rocks clump up together as we see in the picture.
What I read
Based from my finding, compression stress are the stress that
makes the most confusing and beautiful rock formation by
clumping up rocks.
3. (Bottom Picture)
What I know
I think that in the picture is a transform fault boundary and
experiencing shear stress in rocks.
What I heard
According to sir Ken, shear stress is the most destructive kind
of stress out of all stresses.
What I read
Based from the researcher, shear stress is caused by shearing
both rocks and makes a distinctive line.

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