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Timings Piece: Developmental Hierarchy Chunks,

Totals Activity Plan, and Sequence

Direct Instruction Script
I saw Three 1: d, a, s, o
Ships Come 2: p, v, nv,
Sailing In 3: nsra, sra, nsrd, srd
:10/7:00 Piece: I Saw Chunk 1: Welcome
Three Ships 1o. Hi my name is Georgia and I like to read. What do I like to do?
2v. Read!
Activity 1: 1d. We are going to be working on I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing
Introduction In
1:30/1:40/ Piece: I Saw Chunk 1: Review!
7:00 Three Ships

Activity 2: 1d. Altos and sopranos please listen to Linlin play your parts at this
Review and tempo!
Layer 1d. Your turn!
2p. “I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas day, on Christmas
day. I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas day in the

1d. Tenors and Basses please listen to Linlin play your parts
1d. Your turn!
2p. “I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas day, on Christmas
day. I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas day in the

1d. Let’s add everyone and pick up the tempo!

2p. “I saw etc….
2:00/3:40 Piece: I Saw Chunk 1: Chanting Crescendos
/7:00 Three Ships
Activity 3: 1d. Repeat after me Chanting
Dynamics and 1a. “I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas day, on Christmas
Phrasing day”
2p. I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas day, on Christmas

1a. “I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas day, in the

2p. “I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas day, in the

Chunk 2: Add pitches

1a. Let’s add those dynamics on the pitches!

2p. “I saw three.. etc.”
1a. Try looking up to follow my gestures!
2p. “I saw…etc”

1:00/4:40/ Piece: Chunk 1: Mood?

7:00 Activity 4: 2nd
verse mood 1a. Let’s look at the second verse, what is something that
shift differentiates the second verse from the first verse? Hint, look at the
2a. There are question marks!
1a. Yes! and how can we convey a question through our singing?
2a. ‘response’
1a. Let’s try singing the second verse starting at a mezzopiano
2p. “And what was in those ships.. etc.

1:00/6:10/ Piece: Chunk 1: Sing

7:00 Activity 5: 1st 1d. Now let’s sing the first two verses with Linlin doing her intro at
and second pickup to measure 5!
verse 2p. “I saw..

Wind forward- 1d. “Verse 3!”

:50/7:00/ Piece: Chunk 1: 3rd verse

7:00 Activity 6: 3rd
verse 1d. Great winding forward! What is the context of the third verse?
2a. It is an answer to the question!
1d. Yes and we are so happy to find out that Christ and the Virgin
Mary are on the ships! Can you sing the third verse like that?
2p. Our savior christ and his lady…etc

Chunk 2: Learning summary

1d. Great job VMRC we did so much! We did the second and third
verse and worked on dynamics and meaning!

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