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Course's Name :Electromagnetic waves Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie Instructor's Name :

Course's Number :12130525 Student's Name: ……………………………

Exam's Period : Student's Number: ………………………...
Number of Questions: 1
Total Mark : 10 Exam's Date :
Number of pages :1

Assignment 2
Fall Semester 2023/2024

[Question 4] [10 points]

1. if SWR=3 and the phase of the reflection coefficient is 150o .using 50Ω smith chart find the
normalized load impedance and the magnitude of the reflection coefficient
2. The load impedance connected to a transmission line of 50Ω characteristic impedance if you know
that L  0.5e j 30 . Find the load impedance
a. Using smith chart
b. Analytical

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