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■ grammar in context 1 ■ H M M H H M H H B

Past simple, past continuous and past perfect 4 Complete the sentences with the past
1 Match the halves to make sentences. simple, past continuous or past perfect form ol
the verbs given.
1 M a tt was rid in g his un icycle ...
1 W hen he .................... (b e g in ) his jo u rn e
2 Josefina m issed h e r s to p ... he ........ (n e ve r be) o u ts id e Europ
3 Had he s poken to frie n d s ... ...... 2 As she ............... (g e t on ) th e tra in , sh<
4 W hile Tony was lo o k in g fo r th e tickets, ... (see) h e r lu g g a g e on th e
5 W hen I hea rd th e p h o n e rin g ... ...... p la tfo rm .

6 The sun was s h in in g y esterday ... 3 W hile Ed .................... (travel), he

(p o st) vide os o n his vlog
7 They c a u g h t a p la n e h o m e ... ......
every day.
8 Had you p la n n e d fo r m o n th s ... ......
4 By th e tim e th e y ...................................(la n d ) in N<
a as soon as th e y heard th e news, York, th e y ............... ...................... (w atch) th re e film

b I answ ered it. 5 S h e .......................... ...........(n o t have) a te n t becau

s h e ........................... .......... (le n d ) it to h e r b est frie r
c b e fo re you w e n t on th e trip ?
th e w eek befo re .
d w h e n he had an accident,
e because she had fa lle n asleep on th e tra in , Grammar challenge
f I was lo o kin g fo r o u r passports, 5 Complete the article with the words in
g so I w e n t s k a te b o a rd in g in th e park, the box.
h b e fo re he w e n t on th e to u r?
as * been • can * d e cid e d * film e d • fo r •
had * has * have * in • is * was
2 Choose the correct alternative.
1 D id vou already learn/H ad you already learnt to ride
a unicycle b e fo re you left/w ere leaving school?
2 The roads w ere/had been d a n g e ro u s because it
had snowed/snowed th e n ig h t befo re .
3 She never visited/had never visited A ustralia b e fo re
so she was fe e lin g /ha d fe lt nervous.
4 They stopped/w ere sto p p ing h im fro m g e ttin g
on th e p la n e because he had lost/lost his
b o a rd in g pass.
5 He w a sn 't/ha dn't been tire d because he'd h a d /
he was having a g o o d sleep th e n ig h t befo re .
Social media - Instagram® in particular -
6 He found/was fin ding th e a eoc ach e w h ile he
(a) an increasingly im portant role
clim bed/w as clim b in g a tree.
(b) ......................influencing where we go on
holiday and what we see and do when we travel.
3 Put the words in order to make sentences. This Is good news for the travel industry, for sure,
but it creates overtourism around the world. A fter
1 firs t / years / The / he / tim e / u n ic yc lin g / he / o ld /
Justin Bieber (c)......................... a music video in
1 4 / trie d / was / .
a canyon in Iceland, the location received twice
(d) .........many visitors as usual, so Iceland's
2 on / h a d n 't / He / to u r / a / he / th e / rid d e n / Environmental A gency (e) ........................ to close
b e fo re / un icycle / w e n t / . it for months. Daffodil Hill, in Volcano, California, is
fam ous for its fields o f yellow and white daffodils
and it makes a great profile picture. The Ryan family,
3 b o o k / I / tra in / f o r /W h ile / w a itin g / th e / I / read / who own It, ( f) ....... shared their beautiful
m y / was / . flowers with the public for free (g )....................
over 80 years. However, in early July 2019, they
(h ) ........ to close it, when one day
4 sw itched / th e / W hen / th e y / on / heard / th e / thousands of visitors queued for hours to park their
th e y / news / TV / . cars. The volume o f visitors had (i)...................
too high and they needed space to safely
accom m odate everyone.
5 th e / sta tio n / le ft / alrea dy / th e / tim e / By / he /
So, what is the solution? Many experts say the
th e / had / tra in / g o t / to / .
real problem (j) ..................... the geotag feature
on Instagram, which shows the site o f the photo
6 s le e p in g / was / As / te n t / d o g / a / his / he / on a map. When a particular photo goes viral, it
o u ts id e / d a n g e ro u s / was / . (k) result in thousands o f people
showing up exactly where it (I) taken,
all wanting a selfie with the same view. So, next time
you go on a trip, geotag a place tha t needs visitors!

Unit 2
Grammar in context 2 .......
used to / would 4 Rewrite the sentences using the words
1 lit Look at these sentences and decide if we can given. Do not change the meaning.
use the past simple, used to or would. Choose the 1 W hen Rachel was a tee nag er, she played a lo t o f
correct alternative(s). For two sentences, all three s p o rt, (used)
options are correct. R a ch e l.............................................................................a
1 W hen we w ere v o u n a . we w ou ld stav/used to stay/ o f s p o rt w h en she was a tee nag er.
staved at th e sam e h o te l every year. 2 Ed s p e n t h o u rs rid in g a unicycle w h en he was a
2 Karl w ou ld o fte n cvcle/often used to cvcle/often teen age r, (w o u ld )
cycled to school. E d ............................................................................ rid in g
3 W here w ou ld you llve/d id vou use to llve/did you live a unicycle w h e n he was a te e n a g e r
b e fo re you m oved here? 3 A t 12, he was really shy, b u t now he is o u tg o in g ,
4 I w ou ld never like/never used to like/never liked (d id n 't)
ta k in g th e bus to school. He ...........................................................................
5 W ould vou have/D id vou use to have /D id vou have as o u tg o in g as he is now.
cu rly hair w he n you w ere a ch ild ? 4 He still feels stra n g e g o in g to w o rk by m o to rb ik e ,
6 T here d id n 't use to b e /w e re n 't/w o u ld n 't be so m a ny (used)
cyclists in th e park before. He still ............................................................................
to w o rk by m o to rb ike .
be used to 5 It's less c o m m o n fo r p e o p le to w rite letters
now adays, (w ritin g )
2 Complete these sentences with be used to to
say if things are familiar (y ) or not familiar (x). P e o p le .............................................................................
lette rs now adays.
1 I.... uSe^ ° ................(chang e) tra in s so m any
tim e s. X 6 T here w a sn 't a tra in sta tio n in m y v illa g e b efore, (b

2 He travels a lo t so h e .................................................. T h e re .............................................................................

(have) delays an d w a itin g a ro u n d . V a tra in sta tio n in m y villa g e before.

3 ................................................... (you g e t u p ) at seven in 7 Flying is n o rm a l fo r he r now. (used)

th e m o rn in g ? It's n o t th a t bad! X S h e
4 She .............................................. (go) to school by
cab le car. V
Grammar challenge
5 She's b een here fo r a year, b u t she still
5 Complete the text. Write one word in
each gap.
(live) in France. X
6 T h e y ................................................... (b o o k ) flig h ts so it Family Education
d o e s n 't take th e m lo n g . V
Travel unplugged!
3 ☆☆ Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
In a recent post on her travel blog, Travelgal Nicole,
1 W hen we w ere you n g er, m y b ro th e r and I used to American Nicole LaBarge writes about travelling twenty
g e ttin g on really well. years ago and compares it to today. Two decades ago,
she (a) to plan her trips through a
travel agent. She (b) use to do much
2 As a y o u n g ch ild , I w o u ld live in m a n y d iffe re n t
research on where she (c) going and
co un tries.
she (d) buy a guidebook, either. She
(e) used to using the Internet back then,
3 U ntil th e 1950s, p e o p le w o u ld n 't ow n a car in When she arrived at a new city she (f)
A m erica. Immediately look for a post office to buy stamps for her
postcards. When she arrived for the first time In Paris, she
4 A t th e age o f 16, he used to w in a prize fo r his travel (g) planned anything in detail. Of course,
d o c u m e n ta ry. she (h) heard of the Eiffel Tower, but
she enjoyed getting lost in the city and discovering new
places. She met many friends in hostels because people
5 I never w o u ld like h aving s h o rt ha ir w h e n I was little . would hang out together and swap stories. She thinks
travellers (i) too
6 D id yo u used to g e t on th e bus a t th e s to p o u ts id e busy posting their travel
school? experiences on their smartphones
(j) talk to
each other nowadays!
7 He's still g e ttin g used to e d it his vlo g on his new
co m p u te r.

6 Unit 2

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