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Học phần: LÝ THUYẾT Mã đề: LTD-001

Mã học phần: 4112852 Số TC: 2
Ngày thi: 30/7/2021 Thời gian: 60 phút

Họ tên: Cán bộ coi thi 1 Cán bộ coi thi 2 Số phách

Mã SV:
Số báo danh: …………...

Điểm (số) Điểm (chữ) Cán bộ chấm thi 1 Cán bộ chấm thi 2 Số phách

Ghi chú: Sinh viên làm bài trực tiếp trên đề thi.

I. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false, then

make a tick (✔) in the appropriate box. (2 marks)

No Statements True False

1 TL readership should be considered prior to translation. ✔
Textual equivalence means equivalence of form and ✔
Sameness does exist between the SL text and the TL ✔
4 Adaptation is mainly applied to plays and poems. ✔
A translation can be primarily semantic or primarily ✔
Intra-lingual translation is translation within the same ✔
7 Translation and interpretation involve ideas, not words. ✔
Communicative translation and semantic translation are ✔
always separated methods.
9 Connotation is not important in doing translation. ✔

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Học phần: LÝ THUYẾT Mã đề: LTD-001

Mã học phần: 4112852 Số TC: 2
Ngày thi: 30/7/2021 Thời gian: 60 phút

Họ tên: Cán bộ coi thi 1 Cán bộ coi thi 2 Số phách

Mã SV:
Số báo danh: …………...

Gain in translation results from enrichment or clarification ✔

of the source language text.

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Phần cắt phách. Không làm bài vào đây.

II. Answer the following questions. (3 marks)
1. Explain why “a good translator/interpreter has to be a veritable mine of information.”
 “A good translator/interpreter has to be a veritable mine of information no matter
what subject he is dealing with. If you are interpreting a lecture on genetics and
you don’t know what a chromosome is, you are in deep trouble! Or, if you have
to translate a paper on the effects of increased taxation on aggregate demand,
you are up the proverbial creek without a paddle if you have never had a course
in economics. Besides, vocabulary is not enough - in order to make any sense out
2. of text or a speech, you have to understand what the author is really saying.
 Translation and interpretation involve ideas, not words
For this reason, the course of translation and interpretation will need to involve studies of
subject areas such as international economics, political science and international studies
which are frequently called upon for translation.
2.What is a prerequisite for study in translation and interpretation?
 All these tasks are in addition to proficiency in the language to be used, which is clearly a
prerequisite for study in translation and interpretation.
3. What is consecutive translation?
 “(Consecutive interpretation) is the process of listening to a speech or lecture in
one language and then at a certain moment, transcribing and summarizing it
orally, in another language. The time lapse between the speech and your
interpretation varies.”

4. Name the three laws of translation formulated by Tytler (1978).

1. The translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work.
2. The style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the
3. The translation should have all the ease of the original composition.

5. What is denotative meaning?

 Denotative is the central meaning, the main meaning of a word, not including the
feelings or ideas that people may connect with the word.
6. Name two types of untranslatability.
- Linguistic untranslatability is due to the differences in the SL and the TL

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Phần cắt phách. Không làm bài vào đây.

- Cultural untranslatability is due to the absence in a TL culture of a relevant situational
feature for the SL text
7. Name six principles of translation.

1. Meaning. The translation should reflect accurately the meaning of original text. Nothing should be
arbitrarily added or removed.
2. Form. The ordering of words and ideas in the translation should match the originals closely
as possible.
3. Register. Languages often differ greatly in their levels of formality in a given context (say,
the business letter). To resolve these differences, the translator must distinguish between
formal or fixed expressions and personal expression, in which the writer or speaker sets the
4. Source language influence. One of the most frequent criticisms of translation is that “it
doesn’t sound natural”. This is because the translator’s thoughts and choice of words are
too strongly molded by the original text. A good way of shaking off the source language
(SL) influence is to set the text aside and translate a few sentences aloud, from memory.
This will suggest natural patterns of thought in the first language (L1), which may not come
to mind when the eye is fixed on the SL text.
5. Style and clarity. The translator should not change the style of the original. But if the text
is sloppily written, or full of tedious repetitions, the translator may, for the reader’s sake,
correct the defects.
6. Idiom. Idiomatic expressions are notoriously untranslatable. These include similes,
metaphors, proverbs and sayings (as good as gold), jargon, slang, and colloquialisms, and
phrasal verbs

8. What does “interlingual translation” mean?

 Interlingual translation – translation from one language to another.

9. Give an example of cultural untranslatability and explain why.

 “BANH CHUNG” is the traditional food in Viet Nam. Viet Nam’s people usually eat “banh
chung” on Tet holiday. Many people translate it into “cake”, but that word does not fit, we should
call its name, should not translate it.
10. What are the striking differences between the two methods of translation: semantic
translation and communicative translation?

Semantic translation communicative translation

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Phần cắt phách. Không làm bài vào đây.

SL oriented or biased TL oriented or biased
Written at the author’s linguistic level Written at the readership level
Interprets Explains
More economical Usually less economical unless a text was
poorly written
Faithful- more literal Faithful-freer
Informative Effective
Detailed, more complex but briefer Clearer, simpler, smoother but longer.
Over-translated: more specific than the Under-translated
Maintains meaning Maintains message
Usually a work of one translator Translator The product of a translation team
Usually used for expressive texts Usually used for informative and vocative

III. Fill in each of the gaps in the following passage with ONE word. (2 marks)
 A good translator/interpreter must not only be _____________ in the languages to be
used but also be well-equipped with abundant __KNOWLEDGE__ in a
_____________ of fields. He or she must grasp the __IDEAS__ behind the words and
understand the __CULTURAL__ which formulated those ideas. In addition,
specific translative or interpretive _____________ are also required.
 Translation implies carefully analyzing the message given within the
__CONTEXT__ of a particular linguistic code and transferring this message into
another __WRITTEN__ linguistic code. Interpretation, on the other hand, means
doing the __SAME__ but orally and __SIMULTANEOUSLY__.
IV. For each of the following translation procedures, give TWO similes in
English plus their Vietnamese translational equivalents. (1 mark)

Translation procedure English Vietnamese

Reproducing the same image in As dark as ink. Tối đen như mực.
the target language

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Phần cắt phách. Không làm bài vào đây.

Replacing the image in the A rooten apple injures its Con sâu làm rầu nồi canh.
source language with a neigbours.
standard target language image

V. Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese by using the semantic

translation (ST) method and the communicative translation (CT) method
respectively. (2 marks)
1. There remained very little of their house after the horrifying tsunami.
ST: Chỉ còn sót lại rất ít của ngôi nhà của họ sau cơn sóng thần kinh hoàng.

CT: Sau dư âm của cơn sóng thần kinh hoàng, ngôi nhà của họ dường như chẳng còn lại bao.

2. In Japan it is the most common custom to exchange visiting cards when one makes a
new acquaintance.
ST: Ở Nhật Bản, phong tục phổ biến nhất là trao đổi danh thiếp khi làm quen một ai đó.

CT: Ở Nhật Bản, khi làm quen một ai đó, tục lệ thông thường nhất là trao đổi danh thiếp.

…………………………………..THE END……………………………………..

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