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Zyryanova, Kosov, Lukin

This bar graph compares several products that were bought by consumers at the Brisk Café in summer
and winter in 2015. The graph shows the number of servings including hot coffee, iced coffee, ice cream,
soup, and salad.

Overall, it can be seen that winter was the more popular season among consumers of this place. The
most sales made hot coffee in total in summer and winter. The least popular item was iced coffee.

In winter hot products such as hot coffee and soup were more popular than cold food. The most popular
product in winter was hot coffee at about 75 servings. The next popular product was soup at 50 servings
that made this product one of the popular products in winter. And then the 3 rd place shared salad and
ice cream at 25 number of serving in winter. Two-times soup was preferred by consumers than salad in

In summer cold items were more popular. The most popular items of the list were iced coffee at 40
servings. Then followed by ice cream at 35. The third place got hot coffee at 30 servings. One-fourth hot
coffee was less preferred by consumers than iced coffee in summer. In summer salad is as popular as

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