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1st quarter english4

Name: Francis G. Abaigar

Date: December 11, 2023
Section: IV – Mabini (6:30-7:20)

I. Objectives:
 Identify the meaning of words with prefixes un-, in-, im-, dis-, mis- and re-.
 Form words using the prefixes un-, in-, im-, dis-, mis- and re-.
 Give the meaning of the new word formed using the un-, in-, im-, dis-, mis- and re-.
 Use prefixes and root words as clues to get the meaning of words
II. Subject Matter:
 Identifying the Meaning of Words through Structural Analysis (Prefixes)

Reference Material : English Quarter 1, Module 5

Materials : PPT, Chalkboard

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activity
1. Review/drill:
1) A ______________________is a text that gives information about a topic - this could be a
particular thing, animal, person or others.
2) ________________________ text shows how two or more persons, animals and things or
ideas are alike or similar and /or how they are different.
3) ________________________ explains reasons why something happened or the effects of
4) _________________________ is a pattern of organization where information in a passage is
expressed as an issue (a problem) and something that was, can be, or should be done to
remedy this issue (solution or attempted solution).
5) _________________________ presents ideas according to the time in which they occurred.
The supporting details are arranged in sequence order according to when they are happened.
2. Motivation:
Ask the following questions:
 Who among you wants to become a doctor someday?
 Why do you want to become a doctor?
 Have you heard about the doctors to the barrio?
- Doctors to the barrios are doctors who are assigned to treat people in the
remote and isolated areas in the Philippines. They work in primary care and
public health.

B. Lesson Proper
1. Presentation
Unlocking Difficulty:
Direction: Give the meaning of the underlined words using the clue given.
1) My mother disapproved my playing of mobile games at night.
2) I reassured my parents that I can do it.
3) My mother was unhappy because of my mistake.

A Doctor to the Barrio

Lisa always dreamed of becoming a doctor to the barrio. Her parents disapproved of this idea
Hen. Piobecause
Del Pilar ESthe
- barrio is quite far from their home. They told her that it was impossible and unsafe
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Main for her to stay in the barrio but Lisa believed that the people in the barrios are the ones who

needed help the most and are often misunderstood. She reassured her parents that she is
1st quarter english4

 Answer the following questions:

1) Who dreamed of becoming a doctor to the barrio?
2) Did their parents want her to become a doctor to the barrios? Why?
3) What made the parents agree with Lisa’s dream?
4) If you were Lisa, would you also want to become a doctor to the barrios? Why or why not?
2. Discussion of new concept:
Direction: Look at the underlined words in the paragraph. Write them inside the rectangle of the tree.
What is the root word of each word? Write them below.

1) What is the syllable added to the root word? ______________________

2) Where is this syllable placed, at the beginning of the root word or at the end?
3) What do we call these syllables added at the beginning of the root word?
4) Does the meaning of the word change when we add the syllable at the beginning?
5) What is the meaning of prefixes un and im? ___________________

Look at the chart below:

3. Guided Practice 1:
Directions: Read the sentences below. Encircle the root word of the underlined word.
Ex. Allan is impolite.
1) Kathryn replaced the flower vase she broke.
2) I was not able to call you because our telephone was disconnected.
3) Our teacher told us to research about the solar system.
4) It is impossible for most people to get back to their old life because of the New Normal.
5) Nena misinterprets Lily’s advice in making the project.

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1st quarter english4

4. Guided Practice 2:
Read the sentences. Fill out the chart below.
1) Don’t behave like an immature child. You are now a lady.
2) Sofia disliked the food prepared by her mother.
3) The eruption of Taal Volcano is unforgettable because it brought great
destruction to many people.
4) Edgar replanted his garden because it was flooded.
5) Marta was disappointed when she heard of the bad news.

Word Prefix Root word

5. Generalization:
- is a part of a word.
- always comes at the beginning of a word.
- changes the meaning of a word.

Root word

- holds the most basic meaning of any word.

- is what is left when you remove the prefix
- The prefix un, im, and dis, mean “not.”
- Re means “again.”

6. Application
Complete the chart

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1st quarter english4

IV. Evaluation:
Choose the correct Prefix in the following sentences.
avoidable: 1. The accident was ______.
a) inavoidable
b) disavoidable
c) reavoidable
d) unavoidable
informed: 2. He was angry to find that he had been_____.
a) disinformed
b) iminformed
c) misinformed
d) reinformed
honest: 3. She was devastated when she realized he had been_____.
a) mishonest
b) dishonest
c) unhonest
d) imhonest
complete: 4. Our holiday would be _______ without some time on the basketball courts.
a) incomplete
b) imcomplete
c) miscomplete
d) discomplete
proper: 5. Laughing and joking are considered _______ behavior at funeral.
a) reproper
b) disproper
c) improper
d) inproper
V. Assignment:
Write as many words with prefixes un-, un-, in-, un-, dis-, mis- and re- as you can in the proper column. Give
the meaning of the words opposite the words with prefixes. The first one is done for you.

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