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1 (energy required to break bonds 3

=) 854 (1)
(energy given out when bonds
form =) 1025 (1)
overall energy change 854 −
1025 = −171 (1)

2 energy needed to break bonds 3

= 436 + 243 = 679
energy released when bonds
formed = 2 × 432 = 864
energy change = 679 − 864 = −
AND 185

3(a) N / NH3 2
change in oxidation state of N
from -3 to +2 / increase in
number / gain in oxygen / loss
of electrons

3(b) 75 1

3(c) (it could react with rain water to) 1

form nitric acid / acid rain

3(d) (M r of HNO3 =) 63 (1) 4

20 (1)
5 (1)
120 (dm ) (1)
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3(e) • horizontal product energy 3

line at lower energy level than
• label of product
• correct direction of vertical
arrow - arrow must start level
with reactant energy and
finish level with product level
and one arrow head ONLY

4 hydrogen + oxygen → water 1

5(a) 4728 1

5(b) 6004 1

5(c) −1276 1 ecf (a) − (b)

6(a) (bond breaking) = 1221 or (326 1

× 3) + 243 (1)
OR (ignoring 3P−Cl on each
bond breaking = 243 (1)
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6(b) (bond forming) = 1630 or (326 × 1

5) (1)
OR (ignoring 3P−Cl on each
bond forming = 652 or (326 × 2)

6(c) energy change = –409 kJ (1) 1 ecf for (a) − (b)

negative sign essential

6(d) exothermic AND energy 1

released when bonds form is
greater than energy absorbed to
break bonds
exothermic AND overall energy
change has a negative sign

7(a) bonds broken: 1

[4 × 3 × 391] + [5 × 498]
= 4692 + 2490 = 7182

7(b) bonds formed: 1

[4 × 587] + [12 × 464]
= 2348 + 5568 = 7916
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7(c) M1 energy change = 7182 – 2 ecf (a) − (b)

7916 = –734
M2 = M1 / 4 = –734 / 4 =

8(a) hydrogen 1

8(b) 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O 2

water as product from reaction
of hydrogen and oxygen (1)
balanced (1)

9 M1 right hand energy level lower 3

than left hand side energy
M2 reactants and product
positions identified
M3 energy change shown as
approximately vertical line
indicating gap between
reactants and products with
arrow head pointing from
reactant to products. Arrow
needs to be labelled

10(a) ZnSO4 written on product line 3

H2 written on product line (1)
states (aq) AND (g) (1)
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10(b) (labelled) arrow pointing 1

upwards starting level with
reactants and finishing level with
top of the hump.

10(c) exothermic AND products are at 1

lower energy (than reactants)

11 lower hump starting from 1

reactants line

12(a) (reactants 2 × 3 × 390 (= 2340) 1

+ 3 × 240 (= 720) =) 3060

12(b) (products 945 + 6 × 430 (= 1

2580) =) 3525

12(c) (a) − (b) (3060 − 3525 = 1


12(d) ((c) is exothermic then) 1 allow Δ H is negative

exothermic and more energy
released than used
allow Δ H is positive
((c) is endothermic then)
endothermic and less energy
released than used
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13(a) 2 × ((3 × 410) + 360 + 460) + (3 1

× 500)
2 × (1230 + 360 + 460) +
2 × 2050 + 1500
4100 + 1500 = 5600

13(b) (2 × (2 × 805)) + (4 × (2 × 1
2 × 1610 + 4 × 920
3220 + 3680 = 6900

13(c) M1 = (a) – (b) 2

energy change of reaction =
5600 – 6900 = –1300
M2 = M1 / 2 OR −650
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14(a) exothermic: horizontal line 3

representing the energy of the
products below the energy of the
reactants (1)
label of products: product line
labelled with 2CO2 + 3H2O (1)
correct direction of vertical heat
of reaction arrow: arrow starts
level with reactant energy and
finishes level with product
energy AND has (only) one
arrow head (1)

14(b) activation energy / E a 1

15 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O 1 allow multiples or


16(a) no carbon dioxide produced / 1

more efficient

16(b) storage of hydrogen is difficult / 1

takes more space to store
(hydrogen) / high likelihood of
(hydrogen) leaks / lack of
availability of hydrogen

17 B 1

18 1
A - 158 kJ / mol
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19(a) reactants on left bottom line and 1

products on top right line

19(b) the reactant has less energy 1

than the products

20 heat given out / heat evolved 1

21(a) 4 (NO) 1

21(b) heat released / heat given out 1

21(c) oxygen added (to NO) 1

21(d) acidic oxide 1

nitrogen is a non-metal

22(a) Br2 on left (1) 2

2 (HBr) (1)

22(b) the energy of the reactants is 1

more than the energy of the
products / energy of the products
is less than the energy of the
reactants / the reactants lose
energy when they form
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23 energy (level) of the products is 1

greater than the energy of the
reactants ORA

24(a) 2 (Na2S2O3) (1) 2

2 (NaI) (1)

24(b) the energy of the reactants is 1

more than the energy of the
products / the energy of the
products is less than the energy
of the reactants / the reactants
lose energy when they form

25(a) chromium(III) oxide loses 1

oxygen / it loses
oxygen / oxidation number of
chromium decreases

25(b) energy of reactants greater than 1

energy of products ORA

26 absorbs heat / takes in heat 1

27 endothermic AND 1
heating / absorbs heat

28(a) oxygen / O2 1
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28(b) carbon + oxygen 1

→ carbon dioxide

28(c) reactants on the left and product 1

on the right (both required)

29(a) oxygen (on left) (1) 2

water (on right) (1)

29(b) exothermic because energy 1

level of reactants above energy
level of products / exothermic
because the arrow is going

30 energy level of reactants above 1

energy level of products / the
arrow is going
downwards / energy (level) goes
down / product has less energy
than reactants

31 releases heat / heat given out 1

32(a) correct structure of ethane 1

showing all of the atoms and all
of the bonds

32(b) 3 (H2) 1
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32(c) takes in heat (from 1

surroundings) / absorbs
heat / absorbs thermal energy

33 the energy of the reactants is 1

greater than the energy of the
products / the product has less
energy than the reactants / the
arrow is going down (from
reactants to product)

34(a) (zinc oxide) loses oxygen 1

34(b) reactant level below product 1

level / reactants have less
energy than products ORA

35 A 1

36 1
C - The reaction is endothermic.

37 1
C - calcium carbonate
decomposing when heated

38 B 1

39(a) thermometer 1
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39(b) Any two from: 2 • allow: same

temperature of water
• same volume of water in can
at start
• same height of burner (from
• allow: same amount
of fuels burnt / same
• wick same height temperature rise
• same rate / amount of stirring • allow: same type of
of water can

39(c) so same temperature throughout 1 ignore: to mix the

the water / to stop differences in water / so there are no
temperature in the different parts convection currents
of the water / otherwise the
temperature will be higher at the
bottom (of the water) / so not
hotter in one place

39(d) decreases / goes down 2 allow: gases formed

idea of liquid or fuel turning to ignore: fuels
vapour / gas evaporate
note: 2nd mark
dependent on first

39(e) F 1
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40 1
A - If the reaction is
endothermic, the temperature
decreases and energy is taken

[Total: 102]

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